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这是一个认证基准吗?Was this a certified benchmark?

当然,这些仍然只是基准测试工具。Of course, these are still only benchmark tools.

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对于年轻人来说友谊是幸福的基准点。Friendship may be the benchmark for young people.

但去年中国甚至超过了这一基准。But China surpassed even this benchmark last year.

自愿出价“可能成为一个标准。That “what-the-hell price” could become a benchmark.

我的第二个标准是一个伊拉克朋友的面容。My second benchmark is the face of an Iraqi friend here.

官方基准利率的随机读取,并且为什么这么好?。LevelDB random read -- why is official benchmark so good?

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KUN在机会转化率方面是球员的标杆。Sergio Aguero is the benchmark sofar for chance conversion.

失去童子之身也是男性社会化的标准。And losing virginity is a societal benchmark for masculinity.

当然,所有这样的活动都会干扰到我们的基准测试。Of course all of this activity interferes with our benchmark.

今日成交量不及90天日均量的一半.Volumes were barely half the 90-day average for the benchmark.

这个系统只有一部分被分配给这个基准测试。Only a portion of this system was allocated for this benchmark.

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每个用户的最高成本发生在基准测试的开始处。The highest cost per user occurs at the start of the benchmark.

在水务部门,人们正在制定计划以达到这个基本标准。In the water sector, plans are under way to meet that benchmark.

上海复合指标基准关盘时下降了95.02点。The benchmark Shanghai composite index closed down 95.02 points.

鞋楦是制鞋工业中皮鞋款式的基准。Last is the benchmark of shoe style in the shoemaking technology.

S&P/TSX综合股价指数6月初曾触及15,154.77点的纪录高位.The benchmark index hit a record high of 15,154.77 in early June.

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该公司股票将成为香港基准恒生指数的成份股。The stock is slated to be added to the benchmark Hang Seng index.

这个「蝇王」可以算作现代主义运动的标尺。The Lord of the Flies is an appropriate benchmark for the movement.

信贷是公认的质量和诚信的全球基准。SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity.