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我的公事包在哪里?Where is my briefcase?

我关不上公事包。I can't shut my briefcase.

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我刚发觉我的公事包没有在身边。I don't have my briefcase.

公文包装满了文件。The briefcase bulged with papers.

它们总是在你的公包里的。They're always in your briefcase.

我公事包的带子断了。This strap on my briefcase is broken.

一个用金属圈做成的公文包。And a briefcase made of recycled metals.

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他从公文包里突然掏出一封信。He popped a letter out of his briefcase.

一个标准的公文包是什么样的?Fig1. What a standard briefcase should be?

我刚发觉我的公事包没有在身边。I just realized I don't have my briefcase.

我通常都是把车钥匙放在公事包里的。I usually put my car key in the briefcase.

盖恩斯指示杰克去领取一个公文箱。Gaines directs Jack to pick up a briefcase.

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郑小心翼翼地递给朱,朱把它装进公文包。Cheng give it to G, G put it in the briefcase.

在休息室里,他迅速地打开皮包。In an anteroom he hastily opened his briefcase.

她总是在公事包里带着一把伞。She always carries an umbrella in her briefcase.

他朝公文包里看了看,找到了那份报告。He looked in his briefcase and found that report.

他把可能需要的东西装进公文箱里。He packed a briefcase with what might be required.

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他打开公文包拿出记事本。He unclasped his briefcase and took out his notes.

我太勿忙了,以致于将公事包留在家里。I was so in a hurry that I left my briefcase at home.

把没完成的工作文件放在手提箱里或留在办公室里。Keep the paperwork inside a briefcase or your office.