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她穿一套花哨的新衣。She was dogged out in a new outfit.

杰克在整个赛季一直被伤痛所折磨。Jock had been dogged by injury all season.

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大部分上访钉子户都是精神病。The most dogged petitioners are often classified as crazy.

他啼天赋郴高,但全凭坚韧赌毅力援得撂胜利。Although he's less talented, won by sheer dogged persistence.

在那里,为了有一个栖居的小屋,他们顽强的打拼着。There, in order to have a colony of the hut, they fight dogged.

然而,Doherty说一开始HTC陷入了质量问题中。But at first, Doherty said, the HTC was dogged by quality issues.

内马尔还被有关逃税的指控缠身。Neymar has also been dogged by allegations related to tax evasion.

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尽管如此,持异议者甚至一些暴动者经常跟踪格雷厄姆去巡回演讲。Even so, dissenters and even rioters often dogged Graham's lecture tours.

选择了出国留学这条路,是在俄罗斯时坚定的决心。The dogged determination to study abroad was made when i volunteered in Russia.

上世纪70年代以来,西班牙也曾遭遇过不少里氏4到5级的地震。Since the 70s of last century, Spain has dogged many a magnitude 4-5 earthquake.

斯通说道,“关于这个问题,我们并非如人们所想的那样刚愎自用。”"We are not feeling as dogged as people think about this issue, " said Mr Stone.

然而不管最终花落谁家,他都要面临着小泽一郎顽强的反抗。But no matter who is chosen, he will still face Mr Ozawa's dogged obstructionism.

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他奋力向前走去,仍旧那样不慌不忙,但是目标坚定。He pressed resolutely forward, still without haste, but with dogged fixity of purpose.

风水学早期在美国的成功,得归功于一些中国风水师锲而不舍的努力。It owed its early success to the dogged efforts of a handful of Chinese feng shui experts.

然而,在如何利用联邦情报设施进行环境监测方面会经常产生一些争议。Controversy has often dogged the use of federal intelligence gear for environmental monitoring.

杂志社记者茉儿,在一次约会后,却发现被神秘人跟踪。Mo of magazine company reporter, after dating, discover however be dogged by mysterious person.

但是它一直受到巨大的超支、时间的延误、800人的剧组每周要工作90小时等问题的困扰。But it was dogged by huge cost overruns, delays, and 90-hour work weeks for the 800-member crew.

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母亲暴虐的男友和紧巴巴的经济状况伴随着纳塔利·沃佳诺娃的整个童年。Her mother's abusive boyfriends and a tight financial situation dogged her throughout childhood.

然而,连最顽强的乐观者都不能断言英国家庭生活已经发生光辉地巨变。Yet not even the most dogged optimistcould say the British family life has radiantly transformed.

在中国快速发展的建筑扩建中处处可见非法土地侵占和贪污的例子。Accusations of illegal land grabs and corruption have dogged China's fast-paced building expansion.