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第一,增进睦邻友好和政治互信。First, enhancing friendship and political trust and good- neighborliness.

中华文明历来注重亲仁善邻,讲求和睦相处。The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to good neighborliness.

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他仍然遵循老式的原则,努力工作,诚实,睦邻友好和节俭。He remained guided by the old-fashioned principles of hard work, honesty, neighborliness and thrift.

我们重视社区,通过建造谷仓或执教足球队所表现出的睦邻友好。We value community, the neighborliness that expresses itself through raising the barn or coaching the soccer team.

对此习惯法更进一步的支持来自某些与善邻原则相一致的条约。Further support for this customary law can be found in several treaties that incorporate the principle of good neighborliness.

这能产生良性循环的影响,鼓励更多的睦邻关系及更多有吸引力的社交活动。This has an upward spiraling effect, encouraging more neighborliness and more small acts that create attractive social places.

中国需要一个睦邻友好的周边环境,需要一个稳定繁荣的外部世界。China needs a surrounding environment of friendship and good- neighborliness and an external world of stability and prosperity.

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他指出,巴以和谈应该以达成睦邻友好为最终目的。He pointed out that the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks should be to achieve the ultimate goal of good neighborliness and friendship.

善邻原则学说的地位最初作为习惯法在特雷尔冶炼厂仲裁案中得到承认的。The doctrine of good neighborliness seems to have been initially granted its status as a customary law in the Trail Smelter arbitration.

第一个原则是善邻原则,指的是所有国家对自己土地的利用,都不得对他国的权利造成侵害。A first principle is that of good neighborliness -the rule that no state is entitled to use its land in a way that would infringe on the rights of others.

例如,唯一有效对付偷窃罪的方法就是认罪、赔偿、重新决志作一个好邻舍。For example, the only was to effectively deal with the sin of stealing from your neighbor is to confess, repay, and renew your commitment to good neighborliness.

这个文件的第74章鼓励成员国推行符合“善邻基本原则”的社会、经济和商业政策。Article 74 of the same document encourages member states to conduct their social, economic, and commercial policies in accordance with "general principles of good neighborliness ."

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为了达到成功的交流,增进中西友好关系,汉译英政治翻译中的任何细节都不可忽略。To reach the successful communications and to promote good neighborliness between China and the West, every single detail in Chinese-English political translation should not be neglected.