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对空间运动的描述离不开物移动词。The description of motion involves locative verbs.

另一个视角是体现时间范畴的处所动词及处所介词的特点。One point is the locative words which are in the person of space category.

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本论文对处所介词短语进行功能研究。This dissertation adopts a functional approach to locative prepositional phrases.

区域共同体是自然共同体与人类社会共同体的有机统一体。The locative community is an organic whole of the natural community and the human social community.

表示方式义及工具、处所、对象等语义的介词结构也可以构成方式状语。The prepositional phrase those express manner, instruments, locative and object can form manner adverbial.

现代汉语的空间区域范畴根据认知功能分为处所域和方位域两类。The spatial region category is composed of place region and locative region in terms of cognitive functions.

此外,处所介词短语主要由处所介词加名词词组组合而成。In addition, a locative prepositional phrase is mainly composed of a locative preposition and a nominal group.

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研究表明,处所主语是主语这一功能范畴的边缘成员。The analysis demonstrates that a locative subject serves as a peripheral member of subject, a functional category.

本文首先探讨了处所主语句的语义特征,然后运用配价语法理论对处所主语句的配价特征进行了分析。This paper is intended to explore the semantic characteristics valency features of sentences with locative subjects.

由于人类的语言离不开空间方位,每种语言都有各自的表示方位概念的方法。Locative sentences are indispensable to any language and different language express locative information in different way.

自动地实现了原型件的分割、定位结构设计等操作。Prototype dividing based on models of general polyhedron and design of locative structure has been realized automatically.

铁路区段站决策支持系统的研究实现,对实现铁路调度指挥自动化有着重要意义。The key problem of making the plan of using locative in the process of DSS for railway district station is studied in this paper.

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不能依据处所成分带与不带、带什么方位词,给置放动词划分小类。The fact a locative noun is or is not followed by a location word cannot be used as a criterion for the sub-classifying of laying verbs.

因而,不同语言使用的介词或方位词结构也突出反映了它们在空间关系认知上的特点。Therefore, locative prepositions and prepositional phrases typically represent characteristics of spatial cognition in different languages.

现代汉语方位词用法知识库包括现代汉语方位词用法词典、现代汉语方位词用法规则库和现代汉语方位词用法语料库。Chinese locative words knowledge base includes locative words usage dictionary, locative words usage rule base, and locative words usage corpus.

文中在客观本质的意义上提出了地理系统的简单结构和合理结构的概念,以及区域共同体是哲学意义上的高层地理系统的思想。The author brought out concepts of simple framework and reasonable framework of geosystem and idea that the locative community is top geosystem.

通过分析车站作业过程和调车机的解编特性,建立调车机车运用问题的图论模型,运用构造方法给出调车机运用问题的使用算法。Graph theory model of using locative is set up by analyzing the characteristics of using locative. Then algorithm of it is given by construction method.

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对英语方位倒装句结构的研究大部分仅从句法角度出发,忽视了来自篇章和语用方面的制约。Most studies on English locative inversion are confined to the field of syntax with little consideration of the constraints from discourse or pragmatics.

毗邻肝脏的腹膜后或腹部肿瘤,术前如行血管造影,可作出定位诊断。In the most of retroperitoneal or abdominal neoplasms nearby the liver, the locative diagnosis can be definite presurgically if angiography was undertaken.

提出了一种矿产资源靶区定位预测的统计方法秩相关权法。The authors of this paper proposed a new statistical method so called rank correlation weight method used for locative prediction of mineral resources targets.