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苏丹论坛报。Sudan Tribune.

是谁把苏丹红加到了食品里?Who be is a Sudan red add in food?

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苏丹红被认为是一种致癌物质。Sudan red is believed to cause cancer.

但是奥马尔·巴舍尔拒绝这一裁决。But Sudan rejects the ruling. The I. C.

苏丹红被认为是一种致癌物质。K. Sudan red is believed to cause cancer.

南苏丹成为联合国第193个会员国。UN welcomes South Sudan as its 193rd member.

1992年初,奥萨马流亡苏丹。He lived in exile in Sudan beginning in 1992.

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苏丹释放伊斯兰反对党领袖图拉比。Sudan releases Islamist opposition head Turabi.

这到底是伸张了正义还是破坏了苏丹的和平局势?TRIUMPH for justice or a blow to peace in Sudan?

穆罕默德只是苏丹千千万万个穆罕默德中的一个。Mohammed is one of the million Mohammeds in Sudan.

虽是傍晚,哨位上依旧闷热不堪。The evening in South Sudan was hot and unbearable.

那么为什么美国袭击苏丹的行动受到了指责呢?Why was the US criticized for the attack in Sudan?

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苏丹红的显现让咱们感到了不平。The occurrence with red Sudan let us sense uneasiness.

图为苏丹麦罗维水电站项目。The picture shows the Sudan Merowe Hydropower project.

在新成立的国家南部苏丹的军事存在可能会结束。It may end up involved in the new state of South Sudan.

杰弗里·盖特曼,照片摄于苏丹的达尔富尔。Jeffrey Gettleman pictured reporting from Darfur, Sudan.

组织者希望下次会议在南苏丹召开。Organizers hope to hold the next session in south Sudan.

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最近,听到最多、看到最多的一个词就是苏丹红。Recently, hear most, seeing a maximum term is Sudan red.

苏丹和南苏丹都是中国最大的贸易伙伴。Sudan and South Sudan are both big Chinese trade partners.

在南苏丹,我们与苏丹人民解放军有个实施计划。Well, in South Sudan we have an action plan with the SPLA.