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他告诉记者,“热狗就是热狗。Hot dog is hot dog lah.

别担心,他能行的。Dun worry, he can one lah.

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拉比大部分遇战疯都高大。Lah stood taller than most Yuuzhan Vong.

记者昆杨将为您解释了为什么有些会出现。Kyung Lah explains why some of it is showing up.

我没见过她,所以我无法做出评论。I've never meet her, so I really can't comment, lah.

只是15公斤的有效载荷。不管怎样,还是祝贺吧。Its only a 15kg payload. Anyway congratulation. Syabas – lah !

苏拉培准将说,他不知道什么时候边境冲突终将结束。Saw Lah Pwe said he doesn't know when the border clashes will end.

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电动的不错啦,至少,动作不一样了。Electric shavers are not bad lah. At least the action is different.

可以学的吗,放心啦,有需要的话我一定翻译的。Can learn one mah. Don't worry lah , I will translate if there's a need.

拉希望弥补自己的过失,在农·阿诺的建议下,他率军攻打埃巴克9号卫星。Hoping to redeem himself, Lah led the attack on Ebaq 9, at Nom Anor's suggestion.

那是一个不祥的征兆。拉担心神的意志不再偏向于他。It was an ominous sign, and Lah fretted that the will of the gods had turned against him.

拉不信任阿诺,没有什么原因,只是看不起前导疯的官僚。Lah distrusted Anor, for he felt nothing but contempt for the bureaucrats of the Praetorite Vong.

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在夺取核心世界的血腥战役中,察疯·拉直接向至尊统帅希姆拉负责。Tsavong Lah reported directly to Supreme Overlord Shimrra during his bloody campaign to take the Core.

但是,绍拉贝据说拒绝了这个提议,并声明如果他的部队受到攻击,他就将进行反击。However, Saw Lah Pwe reportedly rejected the offer, saying that he would fight back if his troops come under attack.

愤怒的拉决定向索洛姐弟复仇。他来到埃巴克9号卫星的表面追杀杰娜·索洛。Furious and determined to exact vengeance on the Solo twins, Lah voyaged to the surface of Ebaq 9, hunting Jaina Solo.

LAH师“黑豹”坦克营引起的迟到使得“元首”团失去了对守军发起突然进攻的机会。The delay caused by the LAH Panther battalion has deprived DF of any chance of a surprise attack on the American defenses.

尽管征服了科洛桑,但宝贵的遇战疯战士还是在不断地牺牲。为此,至尊统帅希姆拉向拉提出了警告。Supreme Overlord Shimrra admonished Lah for the repeated loss of valued Yuuzhan Vong warriors following the conquering of Coruscant.

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维婕尔是受到拉重视的顾问。拉会测试她,或跟她下德加里克棋,以此了解银河系原住民的思维模式。Vergere became a valued advisor, and Lah would quiz her or challenge her to dejarik games to learn the patterns of thought exhibited by a native of the galaxy.

绍拉贝上校所指挥的部队同缅甸当局之间的紧张气氛自第五旅于2009年4月拒绝了政府军的整编命令以来一直处于上升态势。Tension between Saw Lah Pwe' unit and the Burmese authorities has been mounting since Brigade 5 rejected the order to transform its battalions into BGF units under Burmese army command in April 2009.