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谁写的忽必烈汗?Who wrote Kubla Khan?

谢利是一只虎。Shere Khan is a tiger.

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我浑身都是汗啊!!!My body is Khan ah! ! !

这一切伊姆兰汗都拒绝了。Mr Khan rejected them all.

火!谢利害怕了。Fire! Shere Khan is afraid.

她名叫努尔.依那亚特.汗。Her name was Noor Inayat Khan.

汗从现场潜逃。Khan absconded from the scene.

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深汗受伤,但幸免于难。Khan was wounded but survived.

你是说法修拉毛拉吗?。You mean Mullah Fatiullah Khan?

阿米尔汗昨晚打电话给我。Last night Aamir Khan called me.

现在只有萨尔曼汗才能救她了!Only Salman khan can save her now ! !

“这说明他并不暴戾。”拉辛汗说。"So he's not violent, "Rahim Khan said.

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它的曾祖父正是成吉思汗。His great-grandfather is named Ghengis Khan.

忽必烈建元及其实施的措施。Khan Jianyuan measures and their implementation.

“现在我们该怎么办,卡恩医生?”纳林夫人问道。"And what can us do, Dr Khan?" asked Mrs Narine.

当时元世祖忽必烈汗正统治着中国。Yuan of the Mongols. Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan.

他容易冲动,会得罪契丹可汗。He is too emotional. He may offend the Khitan Khan.

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而他,仅仅是中国大可汗的一个大臣而已。He, in turn, was vassal to the Great Khan of China.

可汗说,“禁令不代表种族歧视,这是大众都能认识到的”。Khan says a ban is "not racist, it's common sense".

我的家人当天晚上就从汗尤尼斯回来了。My family returned from Khan Younis in the evening.