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息票,赠品券,附单,配给券。The allotment of ration coupons.

的果寡糖,以基础日粮组作为对照组。Control group was fed with basal ration.

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然后我们对系统的响应时间和查准率进行分析。And we analyzed the query time and the precision ration.

“除非他们把钱还上,”卡汉说,“不然配给卡就得放在我这保管。”“Until they repay me,” he said, “I keep their ration card.”

有些移民的配给卡甚至被卡汉“保管”了七年之久。He has held the ration cards of some migrants for seven years.

电极位置的对称性对器件串音度起决定性的影响。The symmetry of electrode is crucial for the extinction ration.

该模型可对钢产量进行定量和定性预报。This prediction model consists of ration and qualitative anlysis.

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折叠共源共栅放大器的增益、共模抑制比等。And gain, common mode rejection ration in folded cascade amplifier.

哈斯先生也是德国人,所以常常不要肉票。Haas, who didn't ask for ration tickets because he was German, too.

负重转体,增强躯干侧面,腹部和下背部力量。Ration twist, develops side torso, abdominal and low back strength.

在邻近的印多尔则每7天才有一次半小时的供水。In nearby Indore the ration is half an hour's supply every seven days.

数据库集成是分布式环境中的一项关键技术。Database Integ ration is a pivotal technology in distributed computing.

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在安纳托利亚有严重的食物短缺,面包是定量配给的。There was a grave food shortage in Anatolia, and bread was put on ration.

康德的道德法则和绝对律令来自纯粹实践理性。Kant's moral principles and absolute laws come from purely practical ration.

阿卡蒂奥指挥的总共是五十个人,装备很差,每人顶多只有二十发子弹。He had only fifty poorly armed men with a ration of twenty cartridges apiece.

电火花震源在我国的海洋地震勘探中已占有一定的地位。Spark source has taken quite a place in China's marine seismic explo- ration.

如果碰巧你的兔子喜欢吃胡萝卜,那你就要小心给它定好分量了。If your rabbit happens to like carrots, you have to carefully ration the stuff.

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一艘冷藏船给马山带来了计划中的圣诞节火鸡大餐。A refrigerator ship brought into Masan a planned double ration of Christmas turkey.

此次任命曾遭共和党反对,他们认为,他将实行配给医保的措施。His nomination had been held up by Republicans, who say he will ration health care.

讨论了该增韧剂的固化特性和最佳掺合比例。The curing characteristics and optimum blending ration for the toughener were discussed.