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人们一致选举他当总统。He was unanimously elected as President.

该法案在初审时全票通过。On first reading, the bill passed unanimously.

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董事会全票通过了这笔交易。The board voted unanimously to approve the deal.

这项提案大家都附议,并一致通过。Everyone seconded the proposal, and it was carried unanimously.

他们学校董事会一致通过每周只上四天课的决议。Their school board voted unanimously to a four-day school week.

华盛顿是唯一全体一致选出的美国总统。Washington was the only US president to be elected unanimously.

绝大多数的男人们一致认为女人们车停得最差。Most men unanimously state that women are worst at parking their cars.

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最高法院一致判定了用校车接送学区外学生上学的政策,以平衡学校学生种族比例。The Supreme Court unanimously upheld busing to achieve racial balance.

精美、甘旨、便当、卫生、快捷是本人们分歧地追求。Is fine, delicacy, convenience, hygiene, fast is that we unanimously pursue.

2008年,竞赛评审团一致选中了埃里克·范·埃格拉特提交的设计方案。In 2008 the jury unanimously selected the design proposed by Erick van Egeraat.

他们纷纷谴责暴力犯罪事件的制造者、煽动者。People unanimously condemn the perpetrators and instigators of the violent riot.

六个月以后,两个议院都一致同意允许醋栗的种植合法化。Six months later, both houses unanimously passed a law allowing currant farming.

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如大法官斯卡利亚描述的一样,法院一致否定了这种“公式化的审判”。The Court unanimously rejected such a "Trial by Formula, " as Justice dubbed it.

参加我们的锦标赛的各支俱乐部一致同意我们的原则。The teams who play in our tournaments have unanimously agreed to our principles.

这也体现在今天我们一致通过的公报之中。And this is reflected in the communiqué that we have unanimously agreed to today.

世卫组织烟草控制框架公约于2003年5月经第五十六届世界卫生大会一致通过。The WHO FCTC was unanimously adopted by the 56th World Health Assembly in May 2003.

美洲国家组织一致投票决定结束47年来对古巴加入该组织的禁止。The Organisation of American States voted unanimously to end Cuba's 47-year suspension.

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结果小丽的演说打动了所有人,她以全票当选“班花”。As a result, her speech won everyone over. She was elected as "Class Beauty" unanimously.

动物一齐从配备有西班牙家具的哺乳动物的房间消失。The animals unanimously vanished from the mammal’s room furnished with Spanish furniture.

通过三个月的审理,陪审团一致判定她罪名成立。她被判终身监禁。A jury unanimously found her guilty after a three-month trial and she was jailed for life.