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我不知道经理,谭先生,确实存在。I am not sure if Mr. Tam really exists.

谭公是船员的保护神。Tam Kung is a patron saint of seafarers.

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她将戴上旧的小园帽悄悄地从后门溜出去。She'll wear her old tam and slip out the back way.

谭华正博士为著名工业家及慈善家。Dr Tam is a well-known industrialist and philanthropist.

TAM公司的一位女发言人表示,没有人在此次事故中受伤。No one was hurt in the incident, a TAM spokeswoman said.

2003年,Tam晋升为多农省Dakru公社的警察局局长。In 2003 Tam was promoted to police chief of Dak Ru commune.

TAM与PHC的血管生成可能有着密切的关系。TAM and PHC may be closely related to the tumor angiogenesis.

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的确,失败是走向成功的重要因素。It is true that failure is an impor tam factor toward success.

我早该听谭老师的话。她说过我不应尝试滥药。I should have listened to Miss Tam. She told me not to try drugs.

位于大埔和牛潭尾的两座滤水厂,以及深井滤水厂第二期的建筑工程正在进行。Tam Mei and for the Sham Tseng Treatment Works Stage II was in progress.

这张照片是在5月2日拍摄于香港,这一天是谭公的诞生日。This picture was taken in Hong Kong on May 12, the birthday of Tam Kung.

你的头发已被神数算,你的重担足以替你担。Your hair has been God to count, you have the burden enough for you Tam.

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营友将写上愿望的宝碟,抛上北潭涌渡假营的「新春祈福许愿树」上。Campers' wishes were hung on a Wishing Tree in Pak Tam Chung Holiday Camp.

今天去了黑龙潭,第一次,梅花让我看着就觉得满眼的幸福。Dragon's Tam the first time, let me look at Plum eyeful , feeling happiness.

谭博士说,医生需要考虑可以帮助治疗早产儿的其它药物。Tam said doctors need to consider other drugs to help treat premature babies.

莱斯总是看到埃里克和塔姆凑在一起,他知道他们是在谈论自己。Les kept seeing Eric and Tam in a huddle and he knew they were talking about him.

因此,本研究认为科技接受模式确实能适用于解释光纤宽频使用者的行为意向。Thus, we think that TAM can be use to explain the FTTB user's behavioral intention.

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谭文信已经同意可以分享他的药师法露序文。Bro. Tam has agreed for spreading his Preface of Dharma Nectar of Medicine Guru Buddha.

遇战疯人入侵期间,他被派往纳尔赫塔调查其父失踪一事。Tam traveled to Nal Hutta when his father went missing during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.

对于时装意识的用户,惠普1000迷你薇薇安谭版将更好地适合你。For the fashion-conscious user, the HP Mini 1000 Vivienne Tam Edition will suits you better.