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这里有一些手工钥匙链。In here we have some boondoggle key chains.

这里有一些手工钥匙链。Ln here we have some boondoggle key chains.

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我们在水软化器上的投资打了水漂。Our investment in water softeners was boondoggle.

根本没有什么作用,二十多年来一直在制造灾难。A boondoggle , a disaster, twenty years in the making.

也有可能整个行动会是一种舍本逐末的做法。It's also likely that the whole thing will be a boondoggle.

中国人想建造这个不经济的运河来对抗我们的巴拿马运河,我希望中国失败。I hope the Chinese fail in this boondoggle to one up our Panama canal.

一份调查报告显示,我们资助的一个项目纯粹是浪费钱。An investigative reporter discovered that one of the projects we funded was a boondoggle.

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当这项耗费巨大而又腐败深重的铁路最终于1904年建成时,亚历山大的儿子、沙皇尼古拉二世从技术层面上分析已属于破产。By the time the corruption-ridden boondoggle was completed in 1904, Alexander's son, Nicholas II, was technically bankrupt.

争论的中心是,政府应当在多大程度上干预工业,以及这种干预是确实能够影响气候变化还是只不过是无效而昂贵的举动。The debate centers on how much government should regulate industry and whether that will affect climate change or be an expensive boondoggle.

当美国国会准备考虑我们国家历史上最大的金融救市时,我要你知道,我将要表决对它说“不”。As Congress moves to consider the largest financial bailout in our nation's history I want you to know that I will be voting NO on this boondoggle.

无论你说自由电子激光是军事能量武器历史上最大的无聊事或者说它是“激光圣杯”,我都取决于你如何看它。And, depending on how you look at it, the FEL is either thebiggest boondoggle in the history of military energy weapons, or the“Holy Grail of lasers.”

此外,还有一个疯狂的搬迁首都例子,就是在一片沼泽地上建立一个都城,这在当时看来简直就是有钱的土地投机商的异想天开。And then there was another crazy idea of building a capital on a square of swampland thatseemed mainly to be a boondoggle for wealthy land speculators at the time.

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然而,这些反盗版程式最终可能徒劳无功,如果学生利用加密文件来分享档案。Still, it's likely the state's output of public resources for the anti-piracy program could end up a boondoggle if students move to encrypted file sharing programs.

要确保庞大的刺激计划不沦为一堆废纸最好的方法是,把钱直接交到个人手里,或者地方政府手里。The best way to make sure that a vast stimulus package doesn't turn into a federal boondoggle bonanza is for that money to go directly to private citizens and local governments.

中国在高铁项目上进行巨额投资对美国有借鉴意义,无论是美国铁托或铁黑。China's huge investment in high-speed rail may be instructive for the United States, whether for proponents of U. S. rail investments or critics who consider bullet trains a boondoggle.

不论是对联邦政府在铁路上投资的支持者,还是那些认为高铁列车是鸡肋的批评者,中国在高铁上的巨大投入对美国非常有借鉴意义。China's huge investment in high-speed rail may be instructive to the United States whether for proponents of federal rail investments or critics who consider bullet trains a boondoggle.

无论是对那些赞成政府投资铁路的支持者,还是持高铁无用论的批评者而言,中国在高铁上的巨大投入都能让美国得到启发。China’s huge investment in high-speed rail may be instructive to the United States, whether for proponents of federal rail investments or critics who consider bullet trains a boondoggle.

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移民官员本周开始对可能有安全问题的外国旅客印指纹。我们在打击恐怖主义?也许是白费心机。Immigration agents will begin fingerprinting international visitors this week who they think may pose security risks. are we fighting terrorism? Or are we trying to create a new boondoggle.