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这是非常糟糕的混合”。It's a very mushy hybrid.

这菠菜都给煮烂了。The spinach is overcooked and mushy.

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面包又厚又软,而且甜得要命。Bread is thick, mushy , and sweet as hell.

这种黑糊糊的东西真倒胃口。我非要吃吗?。This mushy stuff is lousy. Do I have to eat it?

相反,结果通常是含糊不清和被过度制作。Instead, the result was often mushy and overproduced.

我想看的是动作片和悬疑片,不想看粘粘糊糊的爱情故事。I wanted action and suspense — not a mushy love story.

在最近的电话采访中他的语气听来安详而和蔼、却并不伤感。On the phone recently he sounded mellow but not mushy.

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在这种情境之下,生活总是糜烂的,肉感的。Life is always mushy and sensual under these conditions.

大便颜色很淡,并且软如泥。Stools were very light in color and of mushy consistence.

我能把麦片冷冻起来,但是解冻以后不会变成糊状吗?Can I freeze cereal without it being mushy when it thaws ?

如果你喂给她糊状的大黄,她可能会很不高兴地吐掉。If you give her some mushy rhubarb, she'll most likely spit it out.

切一片西瓜四五两,真正的薄皮脆沙瓤。Cut a watermelon 449, true thin-skinned fragile mushy watermelon pulp.

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明天考试我只能交一堆烂纸上去了。My exam is tomorrow and all I have to hand in is a pile of mushy paper.

不要担心可以很容易地被切掉的棕色的点或者糊状的部分。Don’t be afraid of brown spots or mushy parts that can easily be cut away.

第一年过去之后,我那里黏糊的就像是煮了一个小时的通心粉似的了。After the first year my insides felt as mushy as macaroni boiled for an hour.

在英国北方地区,炸鱼一般采用黑线鳕,有时还会以鲜绿色的豌豆糊佐餐。Up north, it may be haddock, probably served with some bright green mushy peas.

在一周内,肉质叶开始蔓延,奇怪地变成糊状。Within a week the fleshy leaves started to whither and, weirdly, turn a bit mushy.

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而食用煮烂烧透的黄豆,则不会出问题。But edible boils till mushy the soybean which burns thoroughly, will then not have problems.

一定要经过煮烂煮熟来食用地,问题不确定?。Certainly must pass through boils till mushy boils thoroughly uses, the question is indefinite?

大部分大型动物需频繁咀嚼食物使之变成糊状后以便于吞咽。Most large animals have to chew food extensively and form it into a mushy ball that’s easy to swallow.