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我是一个小先生。I'm a pupil.

丹丹是小学生。Danny is a pupil.

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那否认的瞳仁。The pupil in denial.

当心眼珠子!Beware of eye pupil son!

我终于看到她的眸子。I finally see her pupil.

这名小学生逃学。The pupil bagged school.

有其师必有其徒。Like teacher, like pupil.

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冬冬是个快乐的小学生。Dongdong is a happy pupil.

这个学生滑雪滑得好。This pupil is a good skier.

本日是昨天的门生。Today is Yesterday's pupil.

连小学生都知道这个词。Even a pupil knows this word.

那名小学生说每个字都拖着长音。The pupil dwells on each word.

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李红是个伶俐的小学生。Li Hong is an intelligent pupil.

彼特是一名优秀的小先生。Peter is a primary school pupil.

这名小学生认真做功课。The pupil buckled to the lesson.

小学生口齿不清地说出答案。The pupil lisped out the answer.

他是斯拜德·凯利的得意门生。He was Spider Kelly's star pupil.

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这位男高音歌手师承一位歌唱家。The tenor was a pupil of a singer.

小学生重复老师的话。The pupil echoed his teacher's words.

这本书对小学生还有点费解。This book is a little past the pupil.