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从议会退休后,贝尔回到奥德朗。When Organa retired from the Senate, he returned to Alderaan.

小女孩儿莱娅被奥德朗的贝尔·奥加纳总督带走。The young girl, Leia, was taken to Viceroy Bail Organa of Alderaan.

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后来,奥加纳和这个伍基人试图逃离西佐的宫殿。Later, Organa and the Wookiee attempted to escape from Xizor's palace.

索龙最大的疏忽就是忽略了莱娅·奥加纳·索洛那令人注目的领导力。Thrawn's greatest oversight was the compelling leadership of Leia Organa Solo.

古丽把奥加纳及其同伴丘巴卡安全地送到帝国中心。Guri provided Organa and her companion Chewbacca safe transport to Imperial Center.

安那金这位韩与莉亚的小儿子出生于危机的时期。The youngest son of Han and Leia Organa Solo, Anakin was born during a time of crisis.

就是在这片刻的宁静中,莱娅·奥加纳公主与汉·索洛坠入了爱河。It was during these quiet moments that Princess Leia Organa fell in love with Han Solo.

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对于她的主人倾心于奥加纳,古丽感到困惑和忧虑。Guri was perplexed and concerned about her master's romantic inclinations towards Organa.

在那里,他被汉·索洛、卢克·天行者和奥加纳救上“千年隼号”。There, he was rescued by Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Organa aboard the Millennium Falcon.

一个忠于帕尔帕廷的议员告诉贝尔,皇帝准备逮捕蒙·莫思玛。One of Palpatine's loyal Senators told Organa that the Emperor planned to arrest Mon Mothma.

多登纳将军和莱娅·奥加纳公主经常就公主本人在义军同盟内的作用问题发生争执。General Dodonna and Princess Leia Organa often disagreed about her role in the Rebel Alliance.

由于他对绝地恨之入骨,因此在入侵杜罗星球期间,他俘虏了莱娅·奥加纳·索洛。His passionate hatred for Jedi led him to capture Leia Organa Solo during the invasion of Duro.

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在帝国时期,奥德兰在参议院的代表是莱亚·奥加纳公主。During the time of the Empire, Alderaan's representative in the Senate was Princess Leia Organa.

瑟鲍思的代表团宣布奥加纳家族是总督头衔的合法继承人。C'baoth's delegation decreed that the Organa bloodline was the rightful heir to the viceroy title.

莱娅·奥加纳公主利用她在帝国议会中的地位来资助逐渐壮大的义军同盟。Princess Leia Organa used her position in the Imperial Senate to benefit the growing Rebel Alliance.

恩多战役后没多久,贝尔登夫妇协助莱娅·奥加纳把巴库拉带入了义军同盟。The Beldens helped Leia Organa bring Bakura into the Rebel Alliance shortly after the Battle of Endor.

莱娅·奥加纳·索洛心里考虑着更重要的事情,没有在意萨拉的困境。Leia Organa Solo, concerned with matters of more importance, paid little attention to Salla's troubles.

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当莱亚•奥加纳寻求与黑日的联系时,西佐发现机会自己到来了。That opportunity presented itself when Xizor learned that Leia Organa was seeking contact with Black Sun.

他联系了贝尔·奥加纳和蒙·莫思玛,他们俩在反对帕尔帕廷政权的事业中日益活跃。He contacted Senators Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, who were increasingly active against Palpatine's regime.

卢克将会知道,莱娅·奥加纳就是他的妹妹,他还将把父亲从黑暗面中拯救出来。Luke would learn that Leia Organa was his sister, and he would also reclaim his father from the dark side.