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我把你阉了。I am gonna castrate you.

我有没人把任何重要人物给阉了。Do I castrate anyone important.

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这些妇女急切的想去阉割任何事物。These women are very eager to castrate everything.

王太太不知道如何阉割牛。Mrs. White doesn't know how to castrate the cattle.

我的意思说你是从我的利益出发而不想让我阉了你?I mean, you just don't want me to castrate you for my own benefit?

可能是太监的肉嫩吧,要不怎么要劁猪的。I guess a eunuch has tender meat. Maybe that's why they castrate pigs.

第一步,阉割牛的时候,最好是小牛。Step no.1, it is the best to castrate a bull to start when it's a calf.

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所以以这个为灵感,我给书取的名字叫做,怎么阉割公牛。And so in the spirit of that, I give my book the title, How to Castrate a Bull.

搏击俱乐部可以开下去,不过我们再也不阉人了,一个也不阉了。You can still have fight club, but we're not going to castrate anyone, anymore.

东方不败让令狐冲娶两个,要是不答应就阉了他。East dont hurt to make fox blunt marry two, if you dont promise to castrate him.

他的新书的名字非常有趣,如何阉割一头牛。He has a forthcoming book with a very intriguing title of How to Castrate a Bull.

一个十多岁的男孩被抬到急诊室,因为之前他试着阉割自己。A teenaged boy had been brought to the emergency room after trying to castrate himself.

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好样的!阉割那些傻瓜,让他们下次不敢像狗一样随地小便。Good! now castrate these id. nots so they remember from next time not to pee like a dog.

有位养羊的农场主雇了一个法国的农场短工,帮他一起腌割他的羊。There was once a sheep farmer who had a French farm hand working with him to help castrate his sheep.

而福尔伯特以为阿伯拉尔想抛弃埃洛伊丝,就让仆人乘他睡觉的时候把他阉割了。Thinking that he intended to abandon Heloise, Fulbert had his servants castrate Abelard while he slept.

他们不会杀你,就算有人很有爱心的带你回家,他们还是会毫不留情的把你阉了。Where even if they don't kill you, if someone loves you enough to take you home, they still castrate you.

用白蚁干粉混悬剂给势小鼠灌胃喂养,可明显地增强去势去小鼠的性功能和免疫功能。Feed the castrate mice on termite suspen-sio. It's immunological competence and sex function were developed clearly.

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所以他们最终总结出,父亲会因为他们对母亲,抱有非分之想而阉割他们。So, they come to the conclusion that their father is going to castrate them because of their illicit love for their Mom.

让每个人单独坐在自己的卧室里,私下里做他们想做的事——这世上没有比这更好的方法来防止群体抗议了。There is no better way on earth to castrate collectivised protest than to have everyone sitting in their bedroom, atomised and alienated, doing things they want to do in private.

支援力量在这张图上也扮演着重要得角色,特别是催化导弹和泰矿蒸汽炸弹,它们可以摧毁敌人得经济和科技进程。Support powers also play a major role in this map, especially the Catalyst Missile and the Tiberium Vapor Bomb, which can castrate the enemy's economic and technological progress.