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苹果按斤卖。The apple sold by catty.

鸡蛋论斤出售。Eggs are sold by the catty.

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它有恶臭和脂肪的香韵。It has catty and fatty nuances.

我们的办公室就在来来的斜对面。Our office is catty corner from Lai-Lai.

大苹果多少钱一斤?How much are the large apples per catty ?

请问苹果多少钱一斤?Excuse me, how much is one catty of apples?

他把这些新鲜蔬菜按斤出售。He sells the fresh vegetables by the catty.

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你们的虾子是论磅还是论斤卖的?。Do you charge for shrimp by pound or by catty?

能得到很多乐趣,和她在一起特别、特别有意思。You have a lot of fun, catty , catty fun together.

老板,请给我一斤草莓味的砒霜。The boss, please give me a catty of strawberry in disguise.

买东西论价时用“斤”,而电子秤却用“公斤”。Pay-per-time shopping, "catty", while the electronic scale was used, "kg.

我的儿子以三十块一斤的价格卖给了一个小师弟。My son sold to a little teacher younger brother by 30 pieces of a catty price.

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水不能过多,每次一斤到两斤水为宜。The water cannot be excessively many, each time one catty to two catty Shui Weiyi.

详细我昨天去了超市,买了两把香蕉,两斤苹果,一斤梨。Yesterday I went to the supermarket and buy two bananas, two jins of apple, a catty of pears.

描述外汇保证金交易是四两拨千斤的衍生金融产品。Foreign exchange security deposit bargain is 42 stir thousand catty develop a financial product.

每封信都以一个狡猾的附言结尾——都是对屋里那只叫做“王后”的猫的讥讽。Each letter ends with a p.s. that's a catty quip about the feline in the house, a.k.a. "The Queen."

许多女性担心自己的照片如果被放在社交网络上会招来恶评。Many women fear the pictures will attract catty comments if they appear on social networking websites.

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我昨天去了超市,买了两把香蕉,两斤苹果,一斤梨。非常开心。Yesterday I went to the supermarket and buy two bananas, two jins of apple, a catty of pears. Very happy.

打南边来一喇嘛手里拎着半斤拓麻,打北边来一哑巴,腰里别这个喇叭。South to play a hand carrying half a catty extension Lama Ma, north to play a dumb, waist not the speaker.

不远处有一对中年西方夫妇,他们牵着手,每人拿着一本旅行指南,眼睛凝视着四周。Catty -corner to us, a middle-aged Western tourist couple held hands and gazed around, each clutching a guidebook.