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万事开头难,第一步迈出去之后,剩下的就比较好做了。All things start is bad, after the first pace is stridden , those who remain is better did.

跨越卡夫丁峡谷后的社会主义,必须是建立在现代生产力基础之上的社会主义。The socialism having stridden across the Cafdin Canyon must be the socialism established on the basis of modern productivity.

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叶同仁在短短的十年内跨出了五大步,在全市1670家药店中脱颖而出,成为温州药店的“航母”。Yetongren has stridden over five steps during the past seven years and become the carrier of drug stores among 1670 drugstores in Wenzhou.

新疆的草原畜牧业从此由传统的游牧生产方式向现代草原畜牧业生产方式的转变跨出了历史性的第一步。The production mode of grassland-stockbreeding of Xinjiang has stridden the first step from the traditional nomadism to modern grassland-stockbreeding.

二十一世纪我们进入了知识经济时代,这一时代最大的特征就是对人才的重视。From the 21st century, we have stridden forward the Knowledge-Economy age. The most important characteristic for this age is to think highly of talent men.

现在粮食政策包括购销体制和贸易政策已向市场体制迈进,调控手段更加成熟。Current policies of food grain including purchase and sale system, trade policy have stridden forward to market system and the control means are more mature.

面对市场经济的不断发展和完善,衡水衡通铁塔有限公司以崭新的形象跨入了新世纪。With continual development and improvement of the market economy, Beijing Come-along Science &Technology Co. , Ltd. has stridden into a new century with a brand new image.

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如果你的比例比较大,要考虑目前的情况下迈一大步,或者是小步慢跑,首先是少融一点。If your proportion is larger, one stride should be stridden below the condition with current consideration, or half step canters , it is little be in harmony above all a bit.

行业高速发展的同时总会出现这样或那样的问题,对网络视频行业来说,版权成为一道难以迈过的门槛。While industry high speed develops, total conference appears such or in that way problem, to network video industry, copyright becomes the doorsill that has stridden hard together.

目前,淮安城市化进程已经跨入加速发展阶段的门槛,但城市化水平远远落后于经济发展水平。At present, the urbanization process of Huaian has stridden into a stage of accelerating developing. However, its urbanization level falls far behind the level of economy development yet.