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湿纸和糨糊的混合物。A mash of wet paper and paste.

用叉把马铃薯捣碎成泥。Mash the potatoes with a fork.

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我认为这是米什土豆的声音。I think it'sa mish mash of sounds.

他们是用的什么把饲料煮得带有酸味的?What do they use to sour the mash?

把蛋黄和蛋黄酱捣成糊。Mash yolks and mayonnaise until creamy.

他们通常用谷糠煮成的湿饲料喂养家禽。They usually feed a moist mash to fowls.

你可以帮我把马铃薯捣烂。You can help mash up the potatoes for me.

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它每天都被掺在猪饲料里。It was mixed every day into the pigs’ mash.

产生的麦芽糊会被过滤掉并制成麦芽汁。Resulted mash is filtered and turned into wort.

整个拿去烤或是伴着点牛奶捣成泥都可以。Bake them whole or mash them with a bit of milk.

用筛子把奇异果压成泥并把果泥滤进碗里。Mash the kiwi fruit through a sieve into a bowl.

将去皮的马铃薯用水煮至熟软后,捣碎成马铃薯泥。Peel the potatoes, boil till soft and mash them.

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扒时蔬,土豆泥,薯条。Roasted vegetables, mash potatoes, French fries.

情书都是用最温柔的形式写的老一套东西。Mash notes were old affairs in their mildest form.

现在把面包捣碎,直到所有的水都被吸干为止。Now mash the bread until it soaks up all the water.

威士忌酒是用蒸馏法从发酵的麦芽浆中提取的。Whiskey is distilled from a fermented mash of grain.

你永远不会因为切边的锋利而伤害到手指。You'll never again cut and mash fingers from chiseling.

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炸鱼和薯条,烤牛肉,香肠配土豆泥,咖喱。Eat fish and chips, roast beef, bangers and mash and curry.

荔芋蒸腍压烂,与椰汁拌匀煮滚。Steam the taro then mash it. Mix with coconut milk and boil.

首先,蒸熟芋头,像马铃薯一样捣碎,其次,加调配料并将原料酿入豆腐泡中。First, steam the taro and mash it up like you would a potato.