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我们首先运用拉格朗日方程建立了系统的数学模型并进行了线性化。At first we set up the model of seesaw with the use of Lagrange function and linearize it.

本文提出一种线性化射频多载波高功率放大器的自我调整射频预失真器。This paper presents an adaptive rf predistorter to linearize multi-carriers power amplifiers.

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讨论了对光信号转变为电信号时的非线性转换作线性化处理的问题。The problem of how to linearize the nonlinear transfer from light signal to electric signal is discussed.

这些转换可以使数据线性化,这样就可以使用简单线性回归来为数据建模。These transformations can linearize the data so that simple linear regression can be used to model the data.

本文作者采用高阶线性化方法,先将非线性化系统线性化,然后用时域模态分析法求其响应。Linearize the non-linear system by higher order linearization, then analyze its response in time-mode method.

当考虑纤绳非线性对桅杆结构的影响时,采用高斯截断理论使非线性方程线性化。The Gauss truncation theory is used to linearize the nonlinear equations when taking account of the non-linearity of guys.

因此通常采用功率放大器线性化技术来获得一个整体呈现线性特征的、效率高的功率放大器系统。Another choice is to linearize a nonlinear power amplifier so that overall we have a linear and reasonably efficient device.

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通过设计神经网络控制器线性化慢系统,使其轨迹跟踪期望值。A neural network controller is designed to linearize the slow subsystem and make the rigid motion track a desired trajectory.

基于非线性大信号散射函数理论,对一种用来线性化散射函数的新方法进行了研究。Based on the nonlinear large-signal scattering functions theory, a novel method to linearize the scattering functions is studied.

对压控振荡器电调特性曲线的线性校正,本文提出了一种全新的基于机器学习的校正方法。Based on the machine learning, a new method to linearize the non-linearity of voltage-frequency characteristic curve is described in the paper.

在此基础上,我们采用三段系数修正算法,将其流量函数进行线性化,做到流量系数为一常数。On this basis, three-piece coefficient correction algorithm is adopted to linearize the flux function to make the flux coefficient one constant.

报告中,首先针对电动机动态性能,利用狀态回授及座标转换将其线性化。First, based on the dynamical characteristics, the state feedback technique and coordinate transformation are used to linearize the IPMSM system.

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应用精确线性化方法,通过严格的状态变换和反馈方法,将非线性混沌系统线性化。Precise linearity method which is applied to linearize nonlinear chaotic system through strict state transform and feedback strategy is discussed.

何时以及如何使用幂、对数和其它转换来对数据进行线性化,以便用简单线性回归来对该数据建模When and how to use power, logorithmic, and other transformations to linearize the data so that simple linear regression can be used to model the data

采用信号处理的方法对激光干涉测角系统的特性进行线性化处理,需要产生两路正交信号。In order to linearize the output signal of angle measurement and laser interference by signal processing technique, two orthogonal signals are generated.

在此基础上采用增量法将非线性方程组线性化,从而确定给定荷载下矩形管的受力状态及变形。The incremental method was then applied to linearize the equations and thus the stress state and deformation of box section were determined under a given load.

通过引入了一对自共轭算符将涨落项满足的方程线性化,进而得出密度和相涨落所满足的方程。By introducing a pair of self-conjugate operators, we may linearize the equation of fluctuation term. , and get the equations of density and phase fluctuations.

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首先使用动态逆方法求得系统的逆,使系统反馈线性化,然后,用具有在线规则自调整的模糊控制方法来确保系统的最终特性。First, the aircraft dynamics is inverted to linearize the system dynamics. System performance is guaranteed by using fuzzy control method of. on -line self-tuning rules.

讨论了对光信号转变为电信号时的非线性转换作线性化处理的问题。The problem of how to linearize the nonlinear transfer from light signal to electric signal is discussed. The measurement process has been simulated on computer using MATLAB.

在算法中使用数值延拓方法,使非线性问题的初值选择问题自动化,同时,使用一个简单的线性化策略对非线性问题进行线性化。A global method, which is called numerical extension method, is appealed to in the whole iterative process and linearize the nonlinear finite element system by using a simple iteration.