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关键在哪里?The key?

该大学。The Univ.

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这些肉。The meat.

这些标签!The tags!

真见鬼了!The Deuce!

原力。The Force.

这个悬崖!The cliff!

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那白痴!The fools!

是门牙。The tooth.

是顺天?The day is?

在会议室开始。At the room.

做蛙式。Do the frog.

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才是翠玉。Is the jade.

铁门打开了吗?The iron on?

那列新的。The new one.

篡位者。The usurper.

啊,这卓尔精灵。Ah, the drow.

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那么诗呢?And the poem?

蓝蓝的天。Blue the sky.

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