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他对选词用字非常谨慎。He is very scrupulous about the choice of his word.

两位读者都称赞克努森对细节一丝不苟。Both readers commend Knutson for his scrupulous attention to detail.

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只有他们才会谨小慎微,保持着一种职业的冷漠态度。Only they are scrupulous about maintaining a professional aloofness.

有许多短信可以表明,简对事实是一丝不苟的。There are many notes which indicate how scrupulous Jane is about facts.

写下谁说了什么做了什么,什么时候来一一详尽记录。Keep scrupulous records by writing down who said and did what, and when.

社会实践也使我越来越严格和大无畏的。The social practice also made me more and more scrupulous and dauntless.

此前的同事和伙伴形容库马尔是一个雄心勃勃、办事谨慎的人。Former colleagues and associates describe him as ambitious and scrupulous.

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委员会对所有申请许可证的人予以审慎考虑。The Board is scrupulous in its consideration of all applications for licences.

他们在一种无情地清除弱小和安分守己者的制度中占了上风。They have prevailed in a system that ruthlessly weeds out the timid and the scrupulous.

如果美国政府可以这样做,其它并不谨慎的政党是否可能同样这样做呢?If the US government can do this, can other presumably less scrupulous parties do the same thing?

请求权基础之选择是一个科学、严谨的法律思维过程。Choosing a foundation of right of claim is a scientific and scrupulous legal intellection process.

层层保障,道道把关,一丝不苟是我们贯穿产品全过程的质量理念。When we make products, every process is filled with our due intelligence and scrupulous precision.

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成功的写作在于你的阅读能力是否谨慎细心、关注专心及洞烛机先。Writing successfully depends upon your ability to read with scrupulous care, attention, and insight.

对于新新闻的生产者,他们可以对事实一丝不苟,同时透明化新闻来源。As producers of new journalism, they can be scrupulous with facts and transparent with their sources.

审慎细致的自我评估,可以缓解你对于变换职业、行业、工作地以及收入的紧张感。Scrupulous self-assessments can ease jitters about changing your occupation, industry, locale or pay.

不太正直的同僚们就沉醉于礼物,恩惠,和更奢华的生活方式的诱惑中。less scrupulous colleagues endear themselves with gifts, favours and the lure of an easier lifestyle.

时尚业已经有人用头发加厚皮草外套了。Some less scrupulous people in the fashion industry also uses human hair to thicken the pile of fur coats.

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一板一眼的黑蓝校服与两条粗粗的麻花辫带来格外的亲切感。Ornamented with thick plaits , Scrupulous suit of black and dark blue colors brings about nostalgic tenderness.

身为一个审慎的作家,他有个习惯,每次写完草稿,他都会一遍又一遍地检查。As a scrupulous writer, he has a habit of going over the composition again and again after finishing every draft.

但是它确实意味着IPCC在下一份评估报告中必须更加认真地坚持它的基本规则。But it does mean that the IPCC in its next assessment must be more scrupulous in adhering to its basic ground rules.