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我是一只坏猫咪。I'm a baaad pussy cat.

或是帮你喂你的波斯猫Or help you feed your pussy cat

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都睇唔到下面的毛系唔系绿色?。Should dye her pussy hair green as well.

你觉得“小蜜桃”这词怎样?What do you feel about the word "pussy"?

为什么字大就是牛逼?谁能告诉我,为什么?。Who can tell me Why Big Font is the PUSSY of Cows?

但现在你已经和我在这里轻抚着我的猫咪。But now you are gone and I am here lightly stroking my pussy.

我的猫驴肌肉在他的公鸡和我的JJ大叫周遭收缩。My pussy ass muscles contracting around his cock and my JJ shouting.

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我在我的腿之间看,而且我的整洁地整理猫是膨胀的和红色的。I looked between my legs and my neatly trimmed pussy was swollen and red.

他说他们能用女人的私部做一些美国姑娘从来没见过的事情。He said they could do things with a pussy no American girl would ever figure out.

我会坐在火炉边喂她,小猫咪也会爱我,因为我是好孩子。I'll sit by the fire and give her some food, And pussy will love me because I am good.

刺入的行为到我的猫使我象一名妇女一样感到更多,并且想要是一个。The act of penetration into my pussy make me feel more like a woman, and want to be one.

另一项技术是您的工作拇指到她的阴毛,因为你是乳猪的阴蒂。Another technique is to work your thumb into her pussy as you are sucking of the clitoris.

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一个吻可能会很辉煌,但是不能为你简陋的房子付房钱,也不能帮你养波斯猫。A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat, or help you feed your pussy cat.

我感觉如果阿杜走到威少那去,他会跟他说话的,但是阿杜太没有安全感,太怂不敢靠近威少。I feel like if he walked up to Westbrook he would talk but KD is so insecure and a pussy he is scared to be near him.

你可以穿上市面上最酷的衬衫,除非你穿上它觉得女里女气。You could wear the coolest shirt on the market but if you feel like a pussy in it, you're not going to be getting any.

当候选人和官员们在演讲台上纷纷亮相时,我们旁边的一个年轻选民轻声说到“装逼”,全都是“一帮装逼的”。As each candidate or official mounted the rostrum, one young voter standing near our crew whispered in my ear, "pussy".

唯一合法的战斗方式是人对人,盾对盾,胸对胸,其他的就是孬种The only legitimate fighting is man against man, shield against shield, chest against chest, everybody else is a pussy.

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薛定谔轻视它,是因为他认为那个猫咪的思想实验很荒谬,因为这猫在同一时刻不可能既是死的也是活着的。Schrodinger despised it because he thought it was absurd to think of a pussy that could be both dead and alive at the same time.

你告诉你的父母,他们是白痴,而且几天之后他们一换掉那个软弱无能的总统这一切都将平息。You tell your parents they're idiots, and that this will all blow over in a few days, as soon as they replace that pussy of a president.

你个变态狂,有病的混蛋,为什么不回去舔你家狗的逼,哦,不对,那是你贱母的逼。You, motherfucker, sick bastard, why not go home and give the pussy of your poor dog a little lick. Oh, no, that's the pussy of your slut mother.