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现代性生活是否在观念上已经“除道德化”?Has the modern life been "eliminated moralization" in idea?

罪责教化,根据我在这所建议的诠释。So let me now develop this interpretation of the moralization of guilt.

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“道德教化”论的基本观点和趋向是忽视法律及其作用。The basic ideas and tendency of "moralization" are the negligence of law and its role.

梁代隐士影响社会教化的渠道主要有两种,其一是自身德行与学识,其二是帝王的大力推崇。There are two channels of impacting social moralization by the hermits in Liang Dynasty.

但是由于两者又具有异质的一面,故法律道德化又存在限度。But they two have non-quality side. As a result , moralization to law has its own limits.

其思想之深邃,也正在充盈于其间的道德化与非道德化的矛盾统一。Its profound thought lies in the contradictions of the moralization and the violation of ethics.

宗教生活世俗化,宗教信仰道德化,宗教价值观念现代化。Religious life becomes common customs, religious belief and religious values become moralization.

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行政行为道德化要坚持公正和正义,诚实和信誉。Executive activity moralization should stick to value orientation of justice and justification, honesty and credit.

尼采描述这个世界的教化,必须打击那些介于道德和,非道德之间模糊的东西。Nietzsche describes the moralization of the word should inflict which are ambiguous between the moral and pre moral sense.

在儒教的影响下,中国文化重综合、重直觉、重教化、重人文。The Chinese culture usually lays emphasize on synthesization, intuition, moralization and humanism under "Confucian religion".

女英雄的形象塑造是在“雄化”、“道德化”和“非家庭化”这些男性修辞策略之下展开的。The creation of the heroine image was conducted through male, moralization and non-family which are all male rhetoric strategies.

要根治官场腐败,必须从权力操作的法治化和权力意识的道德化开始。The crackdown of corruption in officialdom must begin with the legalization of the power operation and moralization of power ideology.

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女英雄的形象塑造是在“雄化”、“道德化”和“非家庭化”这些权力话语的男性修辞策略之下展开的。The creation of the heroine image is conducted through "male", "moralization" and "non-family" which are all male rhetoric strategies.

内容上虽有传承“教化”的一面,但更多地体现了其作为“祠乐”的本质。Though "Fangzhong Music" and "Fangzhong Song" inherit the aspect of moralization , they more embody the essence of music of ancestral temple.

尼采认识到,他对债务和合同,义务到目前为止的追索,是忽略了这些概念的道德化。Nietzsche acknowledges that his inquiries into indebtedness and contractual obligation have so far ignored the moralization of these concepts.

政治制度的道德化、道德责任的制度化及行政人员的道德化是政府道德责任得以实现的重要途径。The important way to enforce the moral responsibility of the government is to make the political system and the administrative staff moralization.

虽阎王判官小鬼只为传说虚妄,但其惩恶扬善的社会教化功用又为人们所称道。Though the legend of the Hades, adjudicator and ghost is unreal, the social moralization of rewarding virtue and punishing vice is commended by people.

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社会主义行政道德的制度建设,须在“制度的道德化”与“道德的制度化”两个层面上下功夫。Socialist administration's ethical institutional improvement, must work hard on " a moralization of the system " and " ethical and institutionalized two aspects ".

我国大众文化时代的到来,意味着文化功能由政治教化和理性审美型向娱乐和商业型转变。The coming of the mass culture times predicated the transmission of culture function from political moralization and reason appreciation to amusement and commerce.

市井风貌是小说题旨的外在表现,劝惩之旨突出小说文本的功能效应,泄愤说则为文本最为内在的题旨指向。Themes of the novel are implied in the plain style with the theme of moralization as its functional effect and the theme of venting anger as the most intrinsic one.