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什么是治理?What is governance?

基于事实的治理。Fact-based governance.

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什么是门户管理?What is portal governance?

我们把这叫做良政治理。We call it good governance.

治理和最佳实践。Governance and best practices.

管理治理组变动。Change management governance groups.

控制模型是集中式的。The governance model is centralized.

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各国在治理上得几分?How Do Countries Score on Governance?

简言之,您需要适当的治理。In short, you need proper governance.

对于自治理团体的治理Governance for self-governed community

发展取决于善政。DEVELOPMENT depends on good governance.

政府的水源管理也是一团乱。The governance of water is also a mess.

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治训诂必须通篆籀。Governance Exegesis must pass Zhuanzhou.

第二部分,介绍一人公司治理。Part II. Governance of one-person company.

它们反映的是国家的治理质量。They reflect on the quality of governance.

你在你的SOA治理努力中身处何处?Where are you in your SOA Governance effort?

手上和腿上长了黄褐斑,该怎样治?。Chloasma hands and legs long, how governance?

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还需要考虑到管理的问题。There are also governance issues to consider.

毕竟,政治是与生俱来寓于治理之中的。After all, Politics is inherent in Governance.

这个危机源自于统御领导的失败吗?Did this crisis stem from a governance failure?