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我很喜欢它。I liked it.

我喜欢他。I liked him.

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我喜欢那.I liked that.

我一定要招人喜爱。I must be liked.

并且你喜欢它。And you liked it.

因为他喜欢走路He liked to walk.

我喜欢他们每一个人。I liked them all.

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她喜欢服从命令。She liked orders.

我喜欢吃早餐。I liked breakfast.

我喜欢这本书。I liked this book.

我一直很喜欢她。I always liked Nell.

她还是喜爱他的。She still liked him.

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Dancy也挺喜欢他。Dancy liked him, too.

我喜欢读你的文章。I liked your article.

我曾喜欢结婚。I liked being married.

我喜欢你的长头发。I liked your big hair.

她喜欢他举止端庄。She liked his dignity.

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他喜欢去化装舞会He liked to masquerade.

它喜欢有人抚摩它。It liked to be stroked.

他同样喜欢做这样的事情。He liked to do the same.