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这人,有他英勇可敬的一面,也有他暧昧可疑的一面。That man had his heroic and his equivocal sides.

古代的神谕常是意义模糊和模棱两可的。The ancient oracles were often vague and equivocal.

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考古学关于古代烹饪的证据是意义不明的。The archaeological evidence for ancient cookery is equivocal.

作为反对派领袖,萨马拉斯的立场摇摆不定。Mr Samaras, as opposition leader, has taken an equivocal position.

1918年之后,直到1945年之后,人的概念变得模棱两可。After 1918, and still more after 1945, the idea of man became equivocal.

我知道想家是不可避免的,我知道我对妈妈的爱是不含糊的。I knew that missing home is inevitable, my love to mom is not equivocal.

就连一向以心直口快闻名的前财政部长拉里•萨默斯在这个问题上也表示出了模楞两可的态度。Even Larry Summers, the usually blunt former U.S. Treasury Secretary, is equivocal on the matter.

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对哲学的巨大兴趣使我总是试图去为一些模棱两可的问题寻找答案。My huge interest in philosophy also acts my reason in whenever I tried to argue with something equivocal.

一种市声、一片生活的喧嚣,一个巨大的人类蜂房,对于奇异敏感的感官同样具有魔力。A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives, appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms.

克莱恩模棱两可地使用“安息日”这个词,就隐藏了这个事实,即此记号已经转换到七日的第一日了。Kline's equivocal use of the term "Sabbath" hides the fact that the sign has changed to the first day of the week.

在嬉皮的俚语里,「老兄」与「如同」己沦为纯粹的支吾词,多是结结巴巴而少有语法。In hippie slang, " kiddo " and "like" have already fallen into absolute equivocal words, more like stutter than expression.

先前的第二相临床实验也产生了支持托纳博沙防治偏头痛功效意义不明确的证据。Previous phase 2 clinical trials also produced equivocal evidenceto support efficacy of tonabersat in preventing migraines.

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但是当哥伦比亚因其邻国与哥革命武装力量游击队的暧昧关系而拒绝加入时,领导人们遇到了障碍。Yet they were thwarted when Colombia declined to join because of its neighbours’ equivocal attitude to its FARC guerrillas.

一种额外的效用是肉毒杆菌注射在谁的病人有模棱两可的初步评估结果协助诊断。An additional utility for BOTOX is in aiding in the diagnosis of patients who have equivocal findings on initial evaluation.

因为SNS网站使用了“朋友”这个模凌两可的术语,这一标签含有想当然的成分,可能会漏掉一些用户。Because the equivocal term “friend” is used on SNSs, there are assumptions carried with the label, which may escape some users.

左顾右盼、遇到执勤战士闪烁其词的极可能心中有鬼。Glances right and left, to meet the side which the performing duties soldier is equivocal possibly to have a guilty conscience.

腾讯上一些大堆模棱两可的文字定义了白羊座的人,我总结不出来。People ramble about what Aries person would be like with equivocal discription on qq. com, but I can not make it be concise here.

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他一向觉得绝对不可能和这个既暧昧威严,又莫测高深的人交谈。He had always felt the absolute impossibility of addressing that enigmatical man, who was, in his eyes, both equivocal and imposing.

公民概念多义的可能性是亚力士多德公民教育思想中歧义性的原因之一。The citizen concept equivocal possibilities are Aristotle person of great strength Dude in the civic education thought one of ambiguity reasons.

她把卫生署告诫孕妇“不要饮酒”的警告与针对帕罗西汀的“更加模棱两可的建议”做了比较。She compares the "no alcohol" message put out by the department of health to pregnant women to the "more equivocal advice" on Seroxat and pregnancy.