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军队已把穆斯林几近赶出了伊比利亚半岛。An army had pushed the Muslims nearly out of the Iberian peninsula.

伊比利亚猞猁体重约25磅,作为西班牙和葡萄牙的标志生物,它们如今的生存处境已岌岌可危。But the 25-pound Iberian lynx, icon of Spain and Portugal, is on shaky turf.

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胜利与正义,这两名战士在利用他那忠诚的剑创造狂诗!Victory and justice. The Iberian rhapsody of a warrior's loyalty to his sword.

阿斯图里亚斯吉他起源于东北的伊比利亚半岛的西班牙东部。The Asturias guitars originated from the north-east of Iberian Peninsula Spain.

甚至在最陡峭的山巅也脚步稳健的伊比利亚野生山羊再次迁徙到公园。Sure-footed even on the sheerest heights, the Iberian wild goat is recolonizing the park.

它们是在伊比利亚半岛,阿拉伯半岛的墨西拿海峡还是非洲之角?。Are they on the Iberian Peninsula, Strait of Messina, Arabian Peninsula or Horn of Africa?

佩内达-热尔也为濒危物种伊比利亚狼和金雕提供了保护区。Peneda-Gerês also provides sanctuary to the Iberian wolf and golden eagle, both endangered species.

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葡萄牙与西班牙双双地处欧洲最西部,那里被称为利比里亚半岛。Portugal and Spain share the land on the westernmost point of Europe, called the Iberian peninsula.

而今天,大量的旅客蜂拥而至来参观这个被叫做“伊比利亚半岛最高机密”阳光照射中的葡萄牙。Today, visitors flock to what used to be called "the Iberian Peninsula's best-kept secret"-sunny Portugal.

伊比利亚半岛、意大利半岛及巴尔干半岛是欧洲最大的三个半岛。The Iberian Peninsula, the Italian Peninsula, and the Balkan Peninsula are three large peninsulas in Europe.

卢西塔尼亚古代一个地区,是古罗马帝国在伊伯利亚半岛的一个省份,大致相当于今天的葡萄牙。An ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian Peninsula. It corresponded roughly to modern-day Portugal.

肉菜饭、鮨火腿及乳酪,无数来西班牙的旅游者爱上了伊比利亚的烹调风格。Paella, Serrano ham, and Manchego cheese—countless tourists in Spain have fallen in love with Iberian cuisine.

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海鲜拌饭,意大利火腿以及曼彻格奶酪——数不尽的游客在西班牙爱上伊比利亚美食。Paella, Serrano ham, and Manchego cheese—countless tourists in Spa in have fallen in love with Iberian cuisine.

伊比利亚半岛特有的稀有花卉例如热尔百合在公园偏远的角落中找到了藏身处。Endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, floral rarities such as the Gerês lily find refuge in remote portions of the park.

公元八世纪初叶,一支由阿拉伯人和北非柏柏尔人组成的穆斯林军队占领了伊比利亚半岛的大部。In the early eighth century, a Muslim army of Arabs and North African Berbers conquered much of the Iberian Peninsula.

伊比利亚半岛是欧洲最具生物多样性的地区,非洲和Europe。The Iberian Peninsula is the most bio-diverse region of Europe, acting as an umbilical cord between Africa and Europe.

尽管目前伊比利亚民族面临庞大的财务问题,但是荣科表示政府的计画已经开始出现成效。The Iberian nations are facing huge financial problems, but Juncker said that government plans are starting to pay off.

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黏菌长出的触角网络几乎和伊比利亚半岛上真实的公路系统一模一样。The slime mold grew a network of tentacles that was nearly identical to the actual highway system on the Iberian Peninsula.

西班牙处于欧洲的西南部,它和葡萄牙、直布罗陀和安道尔共同拥有伊比利亚半岛,在北部,沿着比利牛斯山脉它邻近法国和安道尔公国。Spain is a country located in the southwest of Europe. It shares the Iberian Peninsula with Portugal, Gibraltar and Andorra.

大多数的长矛手来自高卢、凯尔特、伊比利亚半岛和日耳曼地区,这些地方的大多数人都可以熟练地使用长矛。Most spearmen tended to come from Gaul Celt Iberian and German regions where most men were already proficient in using spears.