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他很快将导液管插入。He quickly inserts the catheter.

可以用导管把水吸出。The water can be drawn off with a catheter.

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导尿管,香袋,贴片包装。Catheter trays, sachets, transdermal patches.

另外,打破导管和反折的本身。Alternatively, break the catheter and fold back on itself.

逆行肾盂造影时输尿管导管弯曲,呈“S”形。On retrograde pyelography the catheter is curved as"S"shape.

同法置入右颈动脉鞘管以取血、给药。Put another catheter in the right carotid artery in the same way.

将导管弯曲到合适的位置,并轻轻拔出事先装进的导管丝。Bend the catheter in place and gently withdraw the preloaded stylet.

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带囊导管扩张术治疗儿童良性食管狭窄。Balloon catheter dilation of benign esophageal steno sis in children.

您可以使用不锈钢管作为一个针的尿管。You can use a stainless steel catheter as a stylet for a Foley catheter.

这两个组的患者都接受了通过导管注射生理盐水的治疗。In both groups, patients received an injection of saline into the catheter.

在植入体内前,采用肝素化生理盐水清洗导管。Flush the catheter with heparinized saline prior to insertion into the body.

恩,接下来的73年你都在昏迷之中,来,宝贝儿,连上你的尿管吧。Yeah. You've been in a coma for the last 73 years. Welcome to your catheter.

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如果导管消融术和ICD都不起作用,患者就需要进行这个手术。If catheter ablation and implanted ICD don't work, you may need this surgery.

他希望他的发明能与现在正在普遍使用的导尿管价格一样。He expects that his catheter will cost about the same as those used currently.

这种假体的心脏瓣膜被一个导管球囊折叠起来。The prosthetic heart valve is collapsed down over a balloon over the catheter.

一个比米粒还小的、柔软的东西通过导管被送入到输卵管内。A catheter delivers a soft material smaller than a grain of rice into the tube.

目前在心脏切除手术中,常采用这种导管治疗方法。One treatment commonly administered with a catheter is cardiac ablation therapy.

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西尔莎•罗南还无法坐起来,身上仍插着一根导管和其他的管子。Still hooked to a catheter and other tubes, Saoirse hasn't been able to sit up yet.

当我最初进行移植手术时,我的静脉中必须要长期植入导管。When I had my first transplant I had to have a long-term catheter placed in a vein.

CVC-RI与使用导管腔数、置管时间、置管部位有关。CVC-RI is related to the number of catheter lumen, catheter time, catheter position.