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胞果卵圆形,种子黑褐色。Utricle egg circle, the seed is black Brown.

胞果近球形,种子肾形,棕色,光亮。Utricle is close globose , seminal kidney form, brown, shining.

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目的探讨前列腺囊肿的诊断措施与治疗方法的选择。To explore the diagnosis and treatment of prostatic utricle cyst.

内耳的半规管以及椭圆囊和球囊主要有平衡功能。The inner ear and the semicircular canal and utricle balance function main balloon.

目的探讨尿道下裂伴发前列腺囊的诊断及治疗方法。Objective To review the diagnosis and treatment of the prostatic utricle associated with hypospadias.

结论B超和MRI是诊断前列腺囊肿的重要方法。B sonography and MRI are excellent imaging modalities for accurately depicting prostatic utricle cyst.

褐色果实和黑色果实在颜色、大小、质量上均有差异,着生方式均为直立。The two types of fruit differ in color, size and quality, but the two types of fruit are vertical utricle to the branch.

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椭圆囊、壶腹嵴的发生较早,随后才形成球囊,到出生时前庭感觉器官已基本发育成熟。The utricle and crista ampullaris develop earlier than the saccule. The vestibular sensory organ become fully mature at birth.

证明了内淋巴液对于半规管系统的整体动力学特性具有决定作用,而壶腹嵴则对于系统的最终稳态分布起决定作用。It is proved that the endolymph fluid controls the global system response and the utricle controls the final response of the system.

为澄清这个争议,本研究分析成年信鸽瓶状囊耳石磁性元素的含量是否比内耳球囊和椭圆囊耳石更丰富。To clarify this issue, we carried out a study to determine whether or not otoliths in the lagena of homing pigeons are richer in magnetic elements than those in the saccule and the utricle.

结论随尿道下裂程度增加,扩大的前列腺囊发生率及程度增加,术后尿瘘发生率亦逐渐增加。Conclusions The incidence and degree of enlarged prostatic utricle was increased according to the severity of hypospadias, and the occurrence of postoperative fistula was also increased as well.