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这种食物难以咽下。This food is scarcely eatable.

他勉勉强强能写自己的名字。He can scarcely write his name.

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她的姑母几乎看不出有那么大年纪。Her aunt scarcely looked her age.

这样的想法几乎是难以想像。Such an idea was scarcely thinkable.

这些日子,我的心绪很难平静。These days I can scarcely feel calm.

恐怕你找不到更好的了。You can scarcely have chosen better.

我觉得这个女人难以忍受。I found the woman scarcely endurable.

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你外套上的补钉简直看不出来。The mend in your dress scarcely shows.

你衣服上修补的地方几乎看不出来。The mend in your dress scarcely shows.

这种花叶有时候勉勉强强可见。The mosaic is sometimes scarcely visible.

他几乎不能抑制他的愤怒。He could scarcely keep in his indignation.

我们甚至很少能够命名出天然的。We can scarcely even name the cruder ones.

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我刚进来,电话就响了。I had scarcely come in when the phone rang.

这汽车的车身简直都要散架了。The car's bodywork scarcely holds together.

雄性大猩猩则几乎没有朝我的方向看一眼。The males scarcely glanced in my direction.

我刚看见他,他就跟我说起话来。Scarcely had I seen him than he spoke to me.

她看起来简直完全是一个女孩子。She looked apparently scarcely past girlhood.

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它们那样苍老坚定几乎密不透风。So old and firm they scarcely show the breeze.

他刚逃掉就被逮住了。He had scarcely escaped when he was recaptured.

刚一到就下起雨来了。Scarcely had we arrived, when it began to rain.