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照应词的指称对象是一个心理存在。The referents of anaphora mentally exist.

代词回指是回指的一种。Pronominal anaphora is one kind of anaphora.

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第二章,第一人称代词回指研究。Chapter II is about anaphora of first person pronouns.

第四章,第三人称代词回指研究。Chapter IV is about anaphora of third person pronouns.

第三章,第二人称代词回指研究。Chapter III is about anaphora of second person pronouns.

也有缩短照应的圣雅各福群会的耶路撒冷。There is also a shortened Anaphora of St. James of Jerusalem.

本研究是对英语名词照应的一个初步探讨。This is a tentative study of nominal anaphora in English text.

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回指是语篇衔接的重要语法手段之一。Anaphora is an important grammatical device of textual cohesion.

第三人称代词回指则是回指的一种。This paper mainly discusses the third person pronominal anaphora.

间接照应是语言学中一项较新的研究领域。Indirect anaphora is a relatively new field in recent linguistic research.

指代消解是文本信息处理中的一个重要任务。Anaphora resolution plays an important role in text information processing.

他们把指示归入外指的范畴,将回指归入内指。They classified deixis into the category of exophora and anaphora in- to endophora.

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对间接回指的理解需要对其理解的认知过程进行分析。The understanding of indirect anaphora requires the analysis of its cognitive process.

人称代词指代的消解是学习者处理文本信息的一大难题。However, anaphora resolution of person pronouns has been a main problem for students to deal with.

句首零形照应现象普遍是汉语的特点之一,但在不同时期又有历时变化。Zero anaphora on the topic is common in Chinese, which is one of the main characteristics of Chinese.

不过深层回指的确定有时也有失败的情况,这主要是由于深层回指可及度所致。However, sometimes the failure of the assignment of deep anaphora is chiefly due to its accessibility.

指代是自然语言的常见语言现象,也是语篇衔接的重要手段之一。Anaphora is common in our daily life, and it is one of the important ways to connect the whole discourse.

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英语和汉语无标记性的人称回指手段分别是代词回指和零形回指。The English and Chinese unmarked personal anaphora are pronominal anaphora and zero anaphora respectively.

最后将中文零指代消解应用到中文指代消解平台中去。At last, Chinese zero anaphora resolution is applied to the platform of the Chinese Coreference resolution.

第二部分是俄语后向照应与汉语下指的对比。The second part refers to comparison about the the anaphora and cataphora of Russian and cataphora of Chinese.