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社青盟100周年,国际团结互助。Inter Solidarity at IUSY 100.

为此需要全球团结互助。Global solidarity is required.

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这事关团结互助。This is an argument for solidarity.

他们形成了群内团结。So, there's within-group solidarity.

一点阶级友爱精神都没有。A bit of class solidarity spirit not to have.

第三点,领导阶层凝聚性的弱化。Third, leadership-class solidarity is weaker.

与一切有着人类面孔的事情休戚与共?Solidarity with everything that has a human face?

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重新抬头的民族主义战胜了团结。Solidarity has been lost to resurgent nationalisms.

但毫无疑问这种团结的代价将无比高昂。But the price for such solidarity will be very high.

这是国际团结的另一个例子。This is another example of international solidarity.

这就是社会公平与团结的精髓。This is the essence of social justice and solidarity.

金银财宝不算真富,团结友爱才是幸福。Treasure is not really rich, solidarity is happiness.

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在埃及,他的名字出现在了一个小型的团结抗议中。In Egypt, his name came up at a small solidarity protest.

倪希望这次不寻常的会面能凝聚公众团结。Ni draws hope from the unusual show of public solidarity.

那麽我们携手同心,用我们同舟共济的双手。Then we hand in hand together, with our solidarity of hands.

我们必须要给予法比安斯基支持,向他展示出我们团结。We have to give Fabianski support and show solidarity with him.

可通过坦露缺点来建立协作与凝聚人心。Build collaboration and solidarity by revealing your weaknesses.

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正直使人们无法无视你的存在。Intergrity is the solidarity with which you make your presence felt.

Bernadette的行动表明,团结才能前进。Bernadette's action shows that solidarity is the way to move forward.

国际社会应加强团结,开展合作。Fourthly, strengthen solidarity and conduct international cooperation.