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那么抓住我的手这一条呢?And grabbing me by the hand?

你一直都在抓住逃跑的食物。You’ve been grabbing food on the run.

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孩子不断地抓取玩具。The baby kept grabbing away at the toy.

姑娘们也巾帼不让须眉,抢着拿起了最大的袋子。Girls show fight too, grabbing the biggest bag.

我伸手到床底,拿到了枪。I rememberreaching under my bed. Grabbing the gun.

“你不能去,”Halima太太说着抓住了他的腿。“You mustn’t, ” Mrs. Halima said, grabbing his leg.

实际上先捅了他在抓他也是这样。So would stabbing him and then grabbing him, in fact.

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马背叼羊在英语中就是抢山羊比赛。Buzkashi translated into English means "goat grabbing.

你能否在不抓池壁的情况下游更长的距离呢?Can you swim longer distances without grabbing a wall?

这花了我一点时间,因为罗丝一直在屏幕上乱点。It took a while, because Rose kept grabbing the phone.

马背叼羊在英语中就是抢山羊比赛。Buzkashi translated into English means "goat grabbing."

是的,在Gorden之前,他开始狂打电话。Yeah, so Gorden before that who started grabbing phone.

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秋千,意即揪着皮绳而迁移。Swing, which means grabbing Leather Strap and migration.

抓住这个章鱼放在你家咸水缸里,可能会是个要你小命的错误!Grabbing it for your salt tank might be a deadly mistake.

现在这些东西触手可及,她们正在尽力得到它们。Now those things are within reach and they are grabbing them.

我们不会在祝贺朋友时,顺便掐一把她的屁股。We can congratulate our teammate without ever grabbing her ass.

否则的话,在酒吧喝几杯啤酒就好,谢了。Otherwise, grabbing beers at a bar will do just fine, thank you.

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并可配自动抓梁进行提栅工作。It can be outfitted with automatic grabbing beam for bar-lifting.

可是统治阶级正拼命地抓住凯恩斯理论的片段不放。But the ruling classes are desperately grabbing bits of Keynesianism.

开始做仰卧卷腹,每做一个就从书堆上拿一本书。Begin your crunches, grabbing a book from the pile for each one you do.