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我的人民,和外域的所有住民需要自由!My people and all of Outland shall be free!

我的人民与整个外域将重获自由。My people and all of outland shall be free.

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在书的最后,卡雷苟斯出发去了外域。Kalecgos departs to Outland at the end of the book.

中国民歌榜如何提升伊金霍洛旗的影响力?I give pointers on how to do most of the quests in Outland.

从此刻起,我将统治整个外域,这里所有人都将臣服于我。From this moment on, Outland and all of its denizens will bow to me.

我安装了资料片。我可以去外域了吗?我怎么到那?Once I install the expansion, can I go to Outland , and how do I get there?

神秘与猜测,不断地围绕著近期出现在外域的堕落地狱兽人。Mystery and speculation surround the corrupted fel orcs who recently appeared in Outland.

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在第二稿中,塔金是一位“削瘦的、像鸟一样的外域科舍尔龙骑兵团指挥官”。In the second draft, Tarkin is "a thin, bird-like commander of the outland Kesselian Dragoons."

爆炸还造成裂痕在荷兰本身,提请空想无形的进入外域。The blast also caused a rift in the Nether itself, drawing the otherworldly Ethereal's into Outland.

从传送门出来,玛维和她的战士们发现身处外域粉碎的星球上。Emerging from the portal, Maiev and her soldiers found themselves on the shattered planet of Outland.

现在,轮到你来面对邪恶的伊利丹及其手下,将外域从混乱和暴政中解放出来。Now, it is up to you to face the malefic forces of Illidan and his minions in hopes of freeing Outland from chaos and tyranny.

包含大量提高您到域外冒险的独家赠品的合订版本包将以特殊的包装上市。The Collector's Edition will come in a special box that contains many exclusive extras to enhance your adventure into Outland.

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高级星区总督塔金是外域地区的帝国总督,死星项目的重要策划者。Grand Moff Tarkin was the Imperial governor of the Outland Regions, and a key figure in the development of the Death Star project.

基尔加丹对伊利丹未能击败巫妖王一事大感震怒,他的怒火令外域的天空都为之黯淡。The skies of Outland darkened as Kil 'jaeden himself appeared before Illidan, furious at Illidan's failure to destroy the Lich King.

伊利丹给了我们新的奥术力量之源,所以我来到外域跟上了伊利丹,并誓言带领我的人终有一天能重新走向繁荣。Illidan offered new sources of arcane power, and so I joined him in Outland , pledging to return one day to lead our people to glory!

外域最可怜的和平种族,他们的天敌是蘑菇人。给你盘牙的主线任务。初始冷淡。The sporelings are a mostly peaceful race of mushroom-men native to Outland. Their home is located in the southern bogs of Zangarmarsh.

目前的解决方案是先去拿东部王国、卡利姆多、外域的,最后再去拿诺森德的。The current way to work around this is to get the candy buckets from Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, and Outland before doing any in Northrend.

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中国海关对进出口集装箱及所装货物进行监督管理所遵循的行政规章。Rules of the Customs of the P. R. C. Governing the Supervision and Control over Inland and Outland Containers and the Goods Contained therein.

文中参照国内外相关资料,就植物糖蛋白的结构和功能进行了系统的总结。This article systematically summarized structure and function of plant glycoproteins based on referring to some references of inland and outland.

伊利丹和他的军队被迫耻辱地逃回外域,阿尔萨斯则成了这个世界上最强大的生物之一。Illidan and his troops were forced to flee back to Outland in disgrace, while Arthas became one of the most powerful entities the world had ever known.