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最终贾斯汀仅用36分钟以6-3拿下第一盘。Justine won the first set 6-3 in 36 minutes.

贾斯汀在其发球局抓住她的首个赛点以6-1最终取胜。Justine won her first match point at 6-1 on serve.

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海宁赢法网,而非温网。Justine Henin wins the French Open, but not Wimbledon.

贾斯汀看起来比28岁的年龄要年轻很多,眼睛也很漂亮有神。Justine looks much younger than 28 and has lively eyes.

海宁轻易地统治了最后一盘。Justine romped to take royal dominance in the final set.

可能你会知道怎样为我那可怜的、无辜的贾丝汀辩护。You perhaps will know how to defend my poor, guiltless Justine.

“你不赞成吗?外婆?”贾斯丁咆哮着,准备开战了。"Do you disapprove, nanna?" Justine growled, ready to do battle.

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贾斯丁·海宁为回到世界网坛“一姐”地位而继续热身。Justine Henin continues warming up for a return to top-flight tennis.

而郑面对的将是前世界排名第一选手,来自比利时的加斯汀·海宁。Zheng will play against former No. 1-ranked Justine Henin of Belgium.

最后就是为埃德和贾斯汀的隆重庆祝了。In the end it could all be about having a big party for Ed and Justine.

贾丝汀从来不知道这些规则,和怪胎和食尸鬼混在一起。Justine never knew the rules. Hung down with the freaks and the ghouls.

郑其腭服务于她的半决赛对阵海宁1月28日。Zheng Jie serves in her semifinal match against Justine Henin January 28.

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很开心看到海宁能复出,Yanina获得奥克兰的冠军。It was fantastic to see Justine back to her best and Yanina winning in Auckland.

工党领导人埃德•米利班德和他长久以来的伴侣贾斯汀•桑顿结婚了。Labour leader Ed Miliband and his long-term partner Justine Thornton get married later.

当贾丝汀第一次谈到放弃她孩子时,你会发现这并非她自己的决定。When Justine first talked about giving up her baby you could tell it wasn’t her decision.

小威廉姆斯作出反应,这一点对海宁在夺得女子单打决赛1月30日。Serena Williams reacts to a point won against Justine Henin during the womens singles final January 30.

然而,Mumsnet网站的共同创始人贾丝廷·罗伯茨指出,每个家庭都有个别情况。However, Justine Roberts, co-founder of Mumsnet, pointed out that every family had individual circumstances.

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2010年赛季开始,比利时双姝在澳大利亚布里斯班精彩绝伦的决赛当中,杀得难分难解。The 2010 season began with Justine Henin and Kim Clijsters slugging it out in a thrilling final in Brisbane, Australia.

谢丽儿甚至自己也承认当她得知她15岁的女儿怀孕时她本应该更好地处理这件事。Cheryl even admitted she could have handled it better when she found out her fifteen-year-old daughter, Justine was pregnant.

周四早些时候,瑟丽娜·威廉姆斯和海宁在半决赛中,都战胜了各自来自中国的对手成功晋级决赛。Earlier Thursday, Serena Williams and Justine Henin won their semifinals over Chinese opponents to advance to Saturday's final.