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以机械论者的标准,基因-文化的协同进化是有道理的。At a mechanistic level, gene-culture co-evolution makes sense.

作为一个生命系统,它的无生气、机械的构成体也是它生命的一部。As a living system, its inert, mechanistic parts are part of its life.

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作为一个生命系统,它的无生气的机械构件也是它生命的一部分。As a living system, its inert , mechanistic parts are part of its life.

他对于机械技术的批判也深深吸引着环保主义者和规划者的目光。His criticism of mechanistic technology has attracted environmentalists and planners.

你无法将人类关于学习的经验限制在机械化的论调里。You cannot encapsulate the human experience of learning in some mechanistic pedantry.

机械主义科学观导致心理学的“被动人”理论。The theory of "passive man" has been brought forth by the mechanistic scientific view.

CIN的机制一直是一个有很多争论的话题。However, a direct mechanistic link between extra centrosomes and CIN has not been established.

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机械式的惟理主义在这里是永远不可能的,而且对于逻辑的必须概念都抱着一种憎恶的态度。No sort of mechanistic rationalism is ever possible and there is a strong hatred of the idea of logical necessity.

和圣安娜飓风一起生活就得接受它,不管是有意还是无意地看,这都是种顽固的人类行为机械论。To live with the Santa Ana is to accept, consciously or unconsciously, a deeply mechanistic view of human behavior.

机构研究也将帮助辨认在石榴和他们的直接模式的行动之间的有效成分。Mechanistic studies would also help identify the active ingredients in the pomegranate and their direct mode of action.

最后,将心理的机械论观点,与人类拥有精神价值的观点,相联系也是非常困难的And finally, it might be hard to mesh the mechanistic notion of the mind with the idea that people have spiritual value.

是否干细胞因子在血管整型后再塑形的过程有机转性的重要地位。Does the Stem Cell Factor and tyrosine kinase c-kit system play a mechanistic role in post-angioplasty vascular remodeling?

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磁环式检波器是将机械震动的速度信号转换成电压信号输出的一种电磁传感器。The magnetic loop geophone is a type of electromagnetism sensor which transforms mechanistic liberate into electric signal.

碳原子团簇的生长过程及其富勒烯的形成机理,是近十余年来科学界孜孜以求而又一直无法求解的难题。Growth and formation of fullerenes and other carbon clusters has presented a mechanistic puzzle to physical and organic chemists.

使用机械的和直角到斜角切削转变两种方法,建立该过程的切削力学模型。The cutting mechanics of the process is modeled using both mechanistic and orthogonal to oblique cutting transformation approaches.

模型可适当地说明于核沸腾与模沸腾间逐渐转换、及不连续跳跃之转移现象。Both gradual transition and sudden jumps between nucleate boiling and film boiling are properly interpreted in a mechanistic manner.

通过对实验结果的分析,定性描述了氩离子轰击还原三氧化钨纳米线薄膜的原理,认为择优溅射在整个还原过程中起着关键作用。Based on its mechanistic study, it was found that the preferential sputtering played a key role in the process of the surface reduction.

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难道霍布斯的唯物主义和,他的自然的机械理论,似乎有损于,个人的价值吗?And doesn't Hobbes' materialism and his sort of mechanistic theory of nature seem to detract from any inherent worth ? of the individual?

关联关系比因果关系重要,科学甚至能在没有一致模型、统一理论,甚至完全不需要任何解释的情况下进步。Correlation supersedes causation, and science can advance even without coherent models, unified theories, or really any mechanistic explanation at all.

进入21世纪,随着人类生命意识的凸显,教育观逐渐从机械论转向生命论。Since we approached the 21st century, educational view has transferred from mechanistic philosophy to life philosophy with increasing life consciousness.