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这种类型的眼睑外翻,往往影响上睑。This type of ectropion often affects the upper lid.

睑内翻和外翻是肯定的品种出现在。Entropion and ectropion is certainly seen in the breed.

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这就是所谓的疤痕性眼睑外翻及可能的后续伤口或烧伤。This is called cicatricial ectropion and may follow wounds or burns.

眼裂过大、眼睑内翻或眼睑外翻都属于缺陷。Excessive tearing or evidence of entropion or ectropion is to be penalized.

两组在切口瘢痕方面无明显差别,均无下睑外翻。There was no significant difference in incision scar and lower eyelid ectropion.

结论耳后游离皮瓣移植治疗瘢痕性睑外翻效果良好。Conclusion Transplanting dissociate skin petal is effective for scaring ectropion.

罗威容易一些小事都睑,外翻,白内障和癫痫。Some minor issues Rottweilers are prone to are entropion , ectropion , epilepsy and cataracts.

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目的分析外伤性下泪点外翻的原因和手术治疗的方法。Objective Analyze the causation and surgical treatment of traumatic inferior punctum ectropion.

目的探讨游离皮瓣移植治疗瘢痕性睑外翻的效果。Objective To evaluate the effects of curing scaring ectropion by transplanting dissociate skin petal.

眼睑外翻是较常见的在老年人身上,但条件可以所造成的外部因素在人,任何年龄的。Ectropion is more common in older people, but the condition can be caused by external factors in people of any age.

烧伤后眼睑皮肤缺损的修复应尽早进行,以预防睑外翻及其它畸形的发生。Postburn eyelid skin defect should be repaired as early as possible, so that ectropion or other deformity can be prevented.

目的探讨应用眼轮匝肌蒂颞部岛状皮瓣修复睑外翻的方法及效果。Objective To probe the methods and effects of eyelid ectropion repaired by temporal flap pedicled with orbicularis oculi muscle.

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各类皮瓣、皮管、皮肤移植全部成活,4例修复上唇仍有轻度外翻,经再次手术修复后恢复自然状态。All kinds of flaps, skin tube and skin grafts survived completely. After correction, 4 cases with mild upper lip ectropion were recovered.

目的介绍下睑袋整形术的一种新方法和预防术后下睑外翻的有效措施。Objective To create a new method for lower lid blepharoplasty in order to prevent the complication of lower lid ectropion after the operation.

目的了解颞肌的神经支配,以提高手术治疗麻痹性睑外翻的成功率。Objective To study the innervation of the musculus temporalis and improve the successful rate of the operation for paralytic eyelid ectropion.

目的研究眶肌筋膜韧带提紧的眼袋整形方法及其下眼睑外翻的分类和预防。Objective To study lower eyelid blepharoplasty using fascia ligament of musculi orbicularis oculi sling and prevention of lower eyelid ectropion and its classification.

目的探讨预防上睑整形术后上睑闭合不全,同时纠正下睑退缩及老年性睑外翻的手术方法。Objective To investigate the method of surgery to prevent dysraphism after the upper eyelid anaplasty and rectify the lower eyelid retraction and ectropion palpebrarum in older patients.

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目的探讨轻度瘢痕性上睑外翻的患者,如何在行同侧重睑成形术时,应用上睑眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣旋转后进行修复。Objective To investigate a method for upper cicatricial ectropion correction using a rotated orbicularis oculi myocutaneous flap in the unsatisfied pre-operative construction of double eyelid.

目的基于眼轮匝肌的解剖特点和借鉴其它学者的经验,从美学角度探讨瘢痕性睑外翻的最佳修复方法。Objective To investigate the best method to repair cicatricial ectropion from the aesthetic view on account of the anatomical feature of orbicularis oculi and the experience of other scholars.

宫颈常因脆弱组织外翻而出血,可以用大棉签压迫几分钟止血或用硝酸银棒烧灼止血。The cervix often bleeds from an ectropion of friable tissue. Hemostasis can be accomplished by applying pressure for several minutes with a large swab or by cautery with a silver nitrate stick.