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按下空白键来吃掉数字。Press the spacebar to eat a number.

选择值,然后按空格键。Select the value, then press the SPACEBAR.

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按住空格键或鼠标中键。Hold down spacebar or the middle mouse button.

一个复选框可通过单击空档键进行切换。A check box is toggled by pressing the spacebar.

当你按下空格键的时候就可以停止校准操作。In order to stop measuring you must press Spacebar key.

我要如何利用空格键使这种交替的颜色?How do I make this alternate colors by just using the spacebar?

利用空白键在可见与不可见模式之间切换。Use the spacebar to switch between invisible and visible modes.

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再按一次空格可以重新启用断点。Press the spacebar again, and the breakpoint once again is enabled.

按下你记得键盘上的空格键发射奥克托的反导弹能量球。Press the spacebar on your keyboard to launch Octo’s anti-missile energy ball.

按输入键或空白键可以选取游标所在位置的主题。Pressing ENTER or the SPACEBAR toggles the selection of the task at the cursor.

你也可以按住空格键来移动图形的位置。You can also hold down the spacebar meanwhile to move the position of the object.

将光标放到第一个断点的详细信息上,按下空格。Position the cursor on the details of the first breakpoint and press the spacebar.

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利用缩进、制表符或表格可对齐文本。如果您使用空格键,就难以精确对齐。Use indents, tabs or tables to line up text. If you use the spacebar , it may not line up exactly.

如果经常通过控件来移动、旋转以及缩放物体,可以按下空格键在不同模式间循环切换。Moving, Rotating, and Scaling actors often with the widget? Use the spacebar to cycle between modes.

按向下键或向上键选择要删除的键盘快捷键,然后按空格键。Press DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW to select the keyboard shortcut that you want to remove, and then press SPACEBAR.

在园地上头使用方向键来引导并避免野蛮人。按下空白键来吃掉数字。Use the arrow keys to navigate around the board and to avoid the Troggles. Press the spacebar to eat a number.

反馈是弹性的定义,没有吵闹,但正如大多数键盘上的空格是相当明显。Feedback is springy and defined without being noisy, though as with most keyboards the spacebar is rather audible.

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你可以按空格键一页一页的浏览,或者使用上下箭头键一行一行的浏览。You can hit spacebar to go through them page by page, or you can navigate through 'em with the up and down arrow keys.

用鼠标左键可以选择天体,右键可以放弃选择。鼠标中键或者空格键则可以将选中的天体调整到屏幕中央。Use the left mouse button to select an object, the right button to deselect the object and middle mouse button or spacebar to center on the selected object.

当你阅读文章时,又有许多选择,如果文章不止一屏,可按空格键读下一屏。While you're looking at an article, you again have a bunch of choices, if the article is more than one screenful , pressing the spacebar advances to the next screen.