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屋顶用瓦铺就,而地面是瓷砖打造。tiled roofs and ceramic tile floors.

地堡的名字被装饰在那儿。The name of the bunker is tiled in there.

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到达时的我。这种贴着瓷砖的平房在当地是凤毛麟角。On my arrival. Tiled bungalow is luxury in this area.

一条用瓷砖装饰的过道通向地堡的主要部分。A long tiled passage leads to the main part of thebunker.

你的关闭了的故居檐头的枯死的瓦菲。The withered weeds on the tiled eaves of your shut-up house.

每不雨雪初霁,红日西照,云朵平铺成毯。Not every rain Ji early, Sun Xi Zhao, a tiled blanket of clouds.

为什么不想想用瓷砖来铺搭一张床呢?Why not consider a tiled base for the mattress as a bed solution?

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公寓拥有简洁而现代的装潢,铺有瓷砖地板并配有木制家具。It features simple, modern décor with wooden furniture and tiled floors.

陶瓦地板使这个地方给人一种非常舒适温馨的感觉。The terracotta tiled floor gives the place a wonderfully homely character.

每幢小屋都有高高的天花板,并有手工制造的陶瓷砖屋顶。Each bungalow is built with high ceilings with hand made ceramic tiled roofs.

李俊获释后,在他父母于武汉郊区的三层楼房内住了几天。Li spent a few days at his parent's red tiled three-floor house outside Wuhan.

瓦伦丁节就是这样一个充满爱情和友谊的欢乐节日。TileD stanzabehappiness festival that like this an alive with love with comity.

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我眼睛低垂地看着我的磨损的鞋子趿拉着平平的地板。I kept my eyes low, watching my scuffed dark loafers pad across the tiled floor.

孔林家院子南头,榆树和桦树的伞盖遮住了隔壁人家的茅草泥瓦屋顶。In the south, elm and birch crowns shaded their neighbors' straw and tiled roofs.

这是一个跨所有单元缩放和平铺的图像,以创建全屏的图像。This is one image scaled and tiled across all cells to create a full-screen image.

“先生们,”他说道。他穿过屋子,他的靴子敲击着花砖地板发出了回音。"My Lords, " he said, his boots echoing on the tiled floor as he crossed the room.

传送带穿过一个有屋顶瓷砖的方格带我上楼,把我送到一间阴暗的、橡木装饰的办公室。It carries me upstairs through a square in the tiled ceiling to a dim, oak-paneled office.

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了解如何在家里使用水泥浆在这个自由手工艺视频马赛克瓷砖手镜。Learn how to use grout for a mosaic tiled hand mirror at home in this free crafting video.

这里有许多人仍然穿着韩服,有许多传统的住宅都是木质结构,屋顶铺着弯弯的瓦片。It is still home to many hanok, traditional houses with wood frames and curving tiled roofs.

在伊斯法罕世界上最大的广场之一的旁边,巍然耸立着伊玛目清真寺。这是一处磁砖搭建的胜景。Headlining beside one of the world's largest squares, Esfahan's Emam Mosque is a tiled wonder.