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说来也十分平淡无味,是我们的旅馆老板。The very prosaic one of our landlord.

事实远没有传说的那样神乎其神。The facts are more prosaic than the legend.

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而那些的确带给我这种喜悦的东西却通常平凡得让人尴尬。And those that do are usually embarrassingly prosaic.

但是,现实却远远没有那么神乎其神。But the engineering realities are a lot more prosaic.

从松岭回来后,办公室似乎变得枯燥无味了。The office seems so dull and prosaic after Pine Ridge.

尽管为巴萨的体系感到骄傲,瓜迪奥拉的观点却很平凡。Guardiola, though proud of Barca's system, has a more prosaic view.

那就象散文一样的动听,事实上第一件事人们盯住的就是价格。Prosaic as it might sound, the first thing most people look at is the price.

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经过这么多个月的斟酌,结果就是这些平淡的话语吗?After all those months of deliberation, was this prosaic utterance the pay-off?

从这些话里你或许能发现,布莱克对怪圈的看法绝不单调。From this you may gather that Blake eschews more prosaic explanations for the circles.

但对这位艺术家,平凡的主题向来都带有存在的意涵。But, as always with this artist, even the prosaic topic can hold existential implications.

更贴边点的说法是,它正在支持一个新的有政府背景的旅游公司。The more prosaic truth, it says, is that it is supporting a new state-backed tourism firm.

但是,他们还得生活呀,于是精湛的金属加工技能,只能用来打造平淡无奇的家什。Still, they had to earn a living, so they put their metalworking skills to more prosaic use.

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我是说红葡萄酒也可以很有劲,但是想比较而言,cabernet就俗气了。No, I mean you know, cabernets can be powerful and exalting too, but they seem prosaic to me, by comparison.

这样的画面透露出不论你要看这个平凡世界的哪个方面,都有哲理蕴涵其中。The painting alludes to philosophical arguments encoded wherever one might choose to look in our prosaic world.

本文全面地评介古罗马作家瓦罗的散文作品。This paper aims at a global review on the prosaic works of the knowledgeable and productive Roman author Varro.

诗应该讲究诗美,散文应该讲究散文美,这是基本的美学原则之一。Poetry should have poetic beauty, and prose should have prosaic beauty-this is one of the basic an esthetics principles.

南楚散文赋的创作宗旨主要是供楚王娱乐,其次才是讽谏和纪事。Nanchu prosaic odes works mainly for the purpose of the Chu king entertainment, following by satire and chronicle styles.

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克鲁格将庞茨的诈骗计划提升到了一个新的复杂程度,同时涉及的公司诈骗手段也到了令人眩目的程度。He lifted the prosaic Ponzi fraud to a new level of sophistication and engaged in corporate finagling on a dizzying scale.

我是说,你知道,解百衲葡萄酒也能很强健,喝起来飘飘欲仙,但它们对我来说太平凡了,因为某种原因,相对而言。No, I mean, you know, cabernets can be powerful and exalting too, but they seem prosaic to me, for some reason, by comparison.

20世纪中国散文诗经历了从散文化的诗到诗化的散文的的发展轨迹,其文体建设经历了一条曲折之路。During the 20th century, Chinese Prose Poetry has a difficult history in spirals developing from prosaic poetry to poetic prose.