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热情,但有节制,就是你的风格。Enthusiastic, but abstinent , it is your style.

治疗期间,宜节制房事。During treatment, sexual activity should be abstinent.

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对名望的追求让我们过诗人清心寡欲的生活。Fame spurs us to pursue the abstinent life of the poet.

真实的情形是,非常多的男男女女既不禁欲也不性专一。Indeed, very many females and males are neither abstinent nor sexually exclusive.

您是否同意守贞是对子女健康与未来最好的选择?Do you agree that being sexually abstinent is best for child's health and future ?

一顿丰富的早餐将帮你在一天内对食物有节制力。The breakfast that abounds suddenly will help you abstinent to food inside a day force.

俄耳甫斯致力于写优美的诗歌,在性方面保持节制。Orpheus devotes himself to his beautiful poetry, and he keeps himself sexually abstinent.

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一顿丰富的早餐将帮你在一天内对食物能有节制力。The breakfast that abounds suddenly will help you can abstinent to food inside a day force.

例如,有着性生活的少女比禁欲的同辈分数低0.16分。For example, female teens who have flings had GPAs that were 0.16 points lower than abstinent teens.

夫妇若是先生酗酒而接受婚姻行为治疗的戒酒维持较久。Couples with an alcoholic husband who received behavioral marital therapy were abstinent from alcohol longer.

因为过去的时光不再重现,在每一个文化体系里和世界各个地区的无数男男女女们已经忘却了禁欲的呼吁。Since time immemorial, countless females and males in every culture and global region have ignored pleas to remain abstinent.

她们认为性是肮脏的、不道德的,伴随着她们成长的是极端正经的和禁欲的生活风格下。They see sexuality as dirty and wrong and associate their body as being such and live an extremely prude and abstinent type lifestyle.

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对那种宿命的恐惧缠绕在她丈夫心头,直至他的潜力因此再度被压抑而无法上升。The fear of that fate would accost her husband, to the point of rendering him abstinent of the acclivity his potential had held up for him once.

以剂量递增法皮下注射吗啡建立吗啡成瘾大鼠模型,用纳洛酮催促戒断,测定戒断症状。Morphine-dependent rats were given gradually increasing doses of morphine to produce morphine-dependent models, the abstinent syndrome precipitated by naloxone.

提示单纯戒毒不能降低复吸率,应该把心理辅导、社会和家庭支持有机纳入整个戒毒过程中,才能延长操守,降低复吸率。Comprehensive treatment including psychotherapy, behavior modification and social support system should be enhanced to extend abstinent time and prevent relapse.

国内客人被“忽悠”惯了,携程一直在强调“有节制的创新”,客人的需求在启示我们进步。Domestic guest by be used to of " flicker " , carry Cheng emphasizing the innovation " with abstinent " all the time, the guest's demand in enlightenment we progress.

用完全戒断和复发时间间隔作为酗酒治疗初步成果的指标。Primary drinking outcomes were total abstinence, defined as the percentageof patients who were abstinent on all days of the 14-week treatment period, andtime to relapse.

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应督促、引导孩子玩电脑游戏时要有节制,控制上网时间,多参加一些有益身心健康的活动。Should supervise and urge, when guiding the child to play computer game, want abstinent , dominate online time, enter the activity of health of a few good body and mind more.

有着固定性关系的青少年在成绩方面与那些禁欲的同龄人相比,学习成绩并无差异,有着差异的是他们对于学习的期望值及对大学的期望值。Teens in serious relationships did not differ from their abstinent counterparts in terms of their grade-point average, how attached they are to school or college expectations.

化石证据显示,结核病已经纠缠人类超过50万年,它会侵袭富人与穷人、年轻人与老年人、冒险家与禁欲者,无一幸免。Fossil evidence indicates that TB has haunted humans for more than half a million years. No one is exempt. It affects rich and poor, young and old, risk takers and the abstinent.