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大气总水汽量是天文观测和气象科学领域最为重要的参量之一。The total precipitable water in atmosphere is astronomical observation and meteorology.

介绍一种测量大气水汽总量的新方法和仪器。A new instrument for measuring the total precipitable water in the atmosphere is introduced.

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计算结果表明,可降水量和相应的地面水汽压之间,存在着良好的数值对应关系。The calculating results show that the precipitable water is well related with the ground water vapor pressure.

季风爆发后南海地区大气的可降水量较季风爆发前显著增加。After the monsoon onset, the precipitable water increased apparently as compared with that before the monsoon onset.

大气可降水量夏季最大,秋季次之,冬季最少。Precipitable water varied also with season obviously, being the greatest in summer, secondary in autumn, and least in winter.

为了验证MODIS大气可降水量资料的可靠程度,本文利用NCEP的大气可降水量资料对其进行了检验。In order to verify the reliability of MODIS atmospheric precipitable water vapor, we used the NCEP atmospheric water vapor data.

这些雷达用于探测云雨和降水,执行降水天气的警戒和预报任务。These radar used to detect Precipitable Cloud and precipitation, precipitation implementation of the weather warning and forecasting tasks.

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研究结果表明,其估算的精度超过单独使用卫星资料或者地面湿度参量估算的精度。Using the ground humidity parameter data, the precipitable water of single station was more accurate than the data retrieved from satellite data.

在利用地基GPS进行大气水汽遥感时,加权平均温度对水汽遥感结果起着举足轻重的作用。The local weighted average temperature has very important function in remote sensing atmosphere precipitable water vapor by using ground-based GPS.

建立了用GMS-5红外亮温资料反演大气可降水量的分裂窗统计法。The split window statistical method for retrieval of atmospheric precipitable water is developed by GMS5 infrared brightness temperature measurements.

将精密星历与快速预报星历GPS可降水量进行比较,两者的相关系数为99。The first is the comparison of the GPS precipitable water vapor between final ephemeris and ultra-rapid ephemeris which the relative coefficient is 99.

空间分布表现为自山区外围向山区中心递增,降水量的大值区与可降水量的小值区对应。Spatially, the precipitable water increases from the periphery to the centre of mountains. The more precipitation area is corresponding with the less precipitable water area.

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本文重点概述地基GPS反演水汽的基本原理及近实时GPS水汽含量自动处理系统的研究。This paper mainly introduce the construction of near-real time GPS water vapor auto processing system and the process which retrieve the atmospheric Precipitable Water Vapor.

本文针对武汉地区GPS气象网资料,进行了GPS对流层延迟直接推算可降水量的研究。With the data of GPS meteorology network in Wuhan region, the article discussed the study of directly calculating precipitable water vapor with GPS zenith tropospheric delay.

本文通过对GPS湿延迟和水汽辐射计、GPS可降水量与无线电探空资料的比较,进行了GPS气象可靠性检核研究。The reliable verification of GPS-meteorology has been studied with the comparisons of GPS Zenith wet delay and water vapor radiometer, GPS precipitable water vapor and radiosonde.

针对武汉地区GPS气象网资料进行GPS对流层延迟直接推算可降水量的研究。With the data of GPS Meteorology Network in the region of Wuhan, the article discusses the study of directly calculating precipitable water vapor with GPS zenith tropospheric delay.

利用NCEP再分析资料,分析了南水北调西线引水地区和黄河上游的可降水量、水汽通量、水汽通量散度和该区域的流场。Using the NCEP reanalysis data, the precipitable water, vapor flux, divergence of vapor flux and stream fields in the South to North Water Transfer areas of western China were analyzed.

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东亚季风区是西北大气可降水量和水汽通量的最丰富区,西风带区是次之,高原区最少。The atmosphere precipitable water and vapor flux in Northwest China is abundant in the region of East Asian monsoon, followed by the region of westerly belt, and then the region of plateau.

因此,MODIS大气可降水量资料经过修正后,可以为卫星反演模式提供同化性较好的输入资料。So we can conclude that after revised the MODIS atmospheric precipitable water data can be used to satellite derived model and can improve the retrieval accuracy of some satellite remoting model.

此回归方程为不具有探空条件的气象站点提供了利用地面水汽压计算水汽总量的简便方法,具有良好的实际应用价值。This regression equation offers an easy way to calculate precipitable water vapor by means of surface vapor pressure for the stations without Sounding conditions , so it has great practical value.