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漫不经心是一个联盟的失败。Insouciance is an alliance failure.

并且对于其他一些不靠谱的决策,布什同样也是漫不经心,漠不关心。He applies the same insouciance to other dubious choices.

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当初日本公司的斗士已经变得满不在乎。Events have imbued the Japanese corporate warrior with a new insouciance.

它是人类创造出来判断懒惰与漠不关心的一种人造概念。It is an artificial construct created by man to justify his inactions and insouciance.

考虑到民主党似乎满不在乎的把美联储政治化,这确实是令人担心的。It is doubly worrying given the Democrats' seeming insouciance about politicising the Fed.

有点调皮却不张扬,看似漫不经心的随意背后,隐藏着自由的生活态度。Piquant but not audacious , the free living attitude is concealed behind by the unbending and insouciance.

安德瑞宣称,他对英国人总是表现出的漫不经心深恶痛绝,这给托尼留下了深刻印象。Adrian had impressed Tony when he announced his exasperation with their country’s national pose of perpetual insouciance.

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特别的是,它证实了地中海国家对于提升它们国家的竞争力的紧迫需要的满不在乎。It has confirmed the insouciance of Mediterranean countries, in particular, over the urgent need to improve their competitiveness.

但是亲爱的读者,告诉我,您对此有何感想?我觉得这个设计完全是有点虚假环保意味的随意性设计,但是它与那个小毯子搭配吗?But tell me, dear reader, what do you make of this? I'm all for a bit of insouciance with a greenwash, but would it go with the rug?

然而,这位官员的说法给我留下深刻印象的,是一种对其它政府想法的冷漠感——闯入我脑海的另一个词是满不在乎。What struck me about the official's presentation, though, was a sense of indifference – insouciance was another word that sprang to mind – about what other governments think.

大家对水源的重要性漫不经心,而水源政策的制定过程又往往群雄割据,政府管理单位叠床架屋地负责不同的流域、污水处理场、灌溉设施。Alongside this insouciance goes a Balkanised decision-making process, with numerous overlapping authorities responsible for different watersheds, sanitation plants and irrigation.

这帮助了克里斯蒂安·贝尔这位轻易不笑的演员——他的脸庞平整如同刀削——在穿戴上蝙蝠侠的装束之时,滑入布鲁斯·韦恩的漫不经心之中。It helped that Christian Bale, a reluctant smiler whose sharply planed face looks as if it had been carved with a chisel, slid into Bruce Wayne’s insouciance as easily as he did Batman’s suit.

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我特别喜欢看玛利亚斜靠著门边,怀抱婴儿耶稣,接受几个泥足的朝拜者的拜见的样子,感觉像是一个普通的主妇与隔壁邻居漫不经心的闲聊的场景。I love how Mary leans against a doorway holding baby Jesus to the adoration of a couple of dirty-footed pilgrims, with all the slightly bored insouciance of any matron chatting with the neighbors.