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我卖给左翼和右翼。I sell to leftist and rightist.

席尔瓦是葡萄牙右翼党派民众党成员。Silva is a member of the rightist People's Party.

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我情愿作为右派死在祖国的土地上,也不到外国。I would rather die on my motherland as a Rightist than go abroad.

要促退我们的,是那个右派章罗同盟。It was the Rightist Chang-Lo alliance that wanted us to go backward.

右派的特征是他们的政治态度右。The Rightists are characterized by their Rightist political attitude.

1957年被错划右派,从此沉寂长达二十一年。He was wronged as a Rightist in 1957, thus keeping silent for over 21 years.

元谷夫妇是日本右翼历史修正主义最知名的支持者之一。The Motoyas are among the most prominent backers in Japan of rightist historical revisionism.

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但那时我已经转向了语言文字工作,所以没有被当成右派。By that time I had shifted to the line of language and writing. I was not considered a rightist.

更具指示意味的,是布雷维克的自我设定如何彻底地改变了激进右派的意识形态。Even more indicative is the way Breivik's self-designation shuffles the cards of radical rightist ideology.

因此,图恩代表的就是右翼民粹主义和自由主义政治正确性之间的交集。What Fortuyn embodied was thus the intersection between rightist populism and liberal political correctness.

归根结底,右派多元不超过评估的局限性和可能性的核心知识。Ultimately, Rightist Multiculturalism does more than assess the limitations and possibilities of Core Knowledge.

鸣放出来的东西,大概百分之九十以上是正确的,有百分之几是右派言论。Roughly speaking, more than 90 per cent of the views aired were valid and the Rightist ones were a tiny fraction.

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当美国加入到“右倾”阵营后,“左右”的力量对比开始发生明显改变。When the United States to join the "rightist" campaign, "about" the balance of power began to change significantly.

史学界一般认为大革命失败的根本原因是陈独秀的右倾投降主义。It is said in the historical circles that the failure of Great Revolution is due to Cheng Duxiu s Rightist capitulationism.

然而在1957年S还不到6岁的时侯,他的父亲,一位中文教授,被打为“右派”。In 1957, however, when Dannian was barely 6 years old, her father, a professor of Chinese literature, was designated as a "rightist.

知道在中国现在的所有高级人当中,您是唯一一位在58年的时候被打成反党右派的。Um, according to our understanding, you are the only senior leader in China that was criticized as an Anti-Party Rightist Element in 1958.

虽然波普尔本人的确自称是自由主义者,并且这些因素会使人们很自然地推断,他会在政治上持“右翼立场”。Although Karl Popper really described himself as a liberalist, these factors made people naturally infer that he would hold rightist stance in politics.

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不过,内塔尼亚胡所在的利库德党的忠实者极力反对,现任联盟中的其他利库德盟友,如右翼宗教党派也不赞同。But they are hardly the vision of Mr Netanyahu's Likud Party loyalists or of the other rightist and religious parties allied to the Likud in the present coalition.

随着反右斗争的不断扩大,这些理论被越来越多地被当成右倾或资产阶级的理论受到大规模的纯然政治性的指责和批判。With the continuous expansion of the anti-rightist struggle, these theories were increasingly seen as the theory of bourgeois rightist that had been criticized and accused.

两位右翼吉斯约瑟夫和爱德华杜康出马角逐保守党领袖,希思却不能决定是坚持还是放弃。The two leading rightist candidates, Sir Keith Joseph and Edward Du Cann, declined to run for the leadership, while Heath could not make up his mind whether to fight or resign.