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我真的不明白。I didn't understand veritably.

一直到这俩车报废,你几乎没有真正的拥有过它也没有真正享受过它。You have almost never own it nor enjoy it veritably even it ruined.

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试想,要真实地反映出这些非线性时间序列的本质,就必须使用非线性工具。It must need nonlinear method to reflect essence of the time series veritably.

只有在这情况,能我们真实地引起逐渐增加的收入,而且药料提高我们的空闲时间。Only in this 22 case, can we draw increasing revenues veritably and spice up our leisure time.

给植物以双名这个观点并不新,但是名字不能真实地被固定和被接受。The idea of binomen for plants was not new, but the terms failed to be veritably fixed and accepted.

在各种记录数据中,视频数据最能够直观、真实地再现当时的实际情况。In all recorded data, video is the most veritably and directly when reappearing the fact of the time.

只有这样才能真正提高学生的阅读与欣赏能力。Only achieving these three points can raising students' reading and appreciative abilities veritably.

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也只有我踏实地过一份宁静祥和的幸福生活才能让他真正放心。He would take it easy veritably in the heaven because I have a serene living with wonderful happiness.

通过对传统文化的深入了解,真正做到创新和发展我国的绘画艺术。None but we understand the traditional culture deeply, could we veritably innovate and develop the painting art of our country.

因此,它真实地反映了各民族历史文化生活,因而与文化有着密不可分的关系。Therefore, it reflects each nation's historical and cultural life veritably and thus bears an indiscerptible relationship with culture.

尽管如此,动态影像厅还是展现了一个令纽约相形见拙的公共交通计划,相比而言,纽约似乎陈旧十足、效率低下。Still, the Dynamic Movie Hall shows a plan for public transportation that makes New York seem veritably antiquated and sluggish by comparison.

由于在模型生成过程中没有做任何线性化近似,准LPV模型及LFT模型能够真实地描述导弹的非线性动力学特性。Without using any linear approximation, the quasi-LPV model and LFT model can capture the non-linear dynamic characteristics of missile veritably.

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仿真结果能否真实地反映实际的或设想的产品系统性能,首先取决于其建立的模型是否准确。Whether the simulation results can veritably reflect the performances of an actual or assumed product depends mainly on the correction of its model.

通过分析验证,改进的页面兴趣度计算方法更加合理真实地反映出用户对页面的感兴趣程度。Analysis verifies that, the improved method of counting page interest-level could reflect the degree of users being interested in pages more veritably.

这两种误区导致建设资金没有真正落实在建设“湿地”公园上,还误导了“生态优先”的概念。The two mistakes result in the project fund can not be used veritably to planning the real "wetland" park, and misdirect the concept of "ecological priority".

欧几里德几何是对自然的高度抽象,分形几何则更为真实地反映了自然的形式结构。Euclid geometry can be regarded as an abstraction of nature. Comparing to Euclid geometry's simpleness, Fractal geometry reflects natural contexture more veritably.

为了提供相对准确的成本信息,就必须正确地分摊产品的费用,这样才能真实地反映产品的盈利状况。For providing the relatively accurate cost information, banking must accurately assign the expenses to the product, which can veritably reflect the earnings condition of the product.

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由于上市公司具备股权和债权融资功能,同时上市公司中以国有股权为主,而国有企业是我国的主要经济成份,因此,对上市公司的资本结构的研究更能真实地反映问题。On account that public company that is controlled by state-owned enterprise has all the finance tools, research on capital structure of public company can veritably reflect realistic problems.