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红色-人的坚忍与刚毅,高尚的行为。Gules or red-military fortitude and magnanimity.

他对他的敌人展现异常的宽宏大量。He displayed extraordinary magnanimity toward his enemy.

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华盛顿后来在他的1796年告别演说中,再次赞扬并鼓励人们发扬这种“宽宏大量”精神。Washington later praised and encouraged the same "magnanimity" in his 1796 Farewell Address.

再考虑是否慷慨、自由、朴素、镇静、虔诚不更令人愉悦。And consider if magnanimity , freedom, simplicity, equanimity, piety, are not more agreeable.

艺术如果被视为人生当中的一种有价值的东西,它便须教人们谦逊、容忍、智慧和宽宏大量。Art, if it is reckoned as one of the values of life, must teach men humility, wisdom and magnanimity.

在信息时代,随着互联网的发展,人类积累了海量数据。In the information era, with the development of world-wide-web, people accumulate magnanimity of data.

林肯死了,一个带着宽宏大量的和平可能也随之而去了。The opposite was the result, for with Lincoln's death, the possibility of peace with magnanimity died.

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他对敌人宽大,对朋友慷慨。只要豪侠的品质受到尊崇,他便会一直为人传颂。His magnanimity to foes, his generosity to friends will be talked of as LONG. as manly qualities are honored.

其“豪门饮食”作风透露圣府“天下第一家”的气度与荣耀。Santa House's "Homer eating" style disclosures the magnanimity and honor of "the first family under heaven ".

他们的人生经历就似一个容化险为夷之本领,具显著个性,明确目标,顽强意志且气势恢弘的神话。Their life becomes a fable of character, purpose, perseverance and magnanimity that transcends evil into goodness.

网络数据由于海量和分散的特点,给信息查询和整合带来了麻烦。Network data because magnanimity and dispersive characteristic, to information inquiry and conformity brought a trouble.

矿产地数据库是实现海量矿产地信息数字化、信息发布及其应用集成的综合系统。The mine database is integrated system for implementing the magnanimity information digital and appliance integrating etc.

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它拥有着王者的气度和皇室低调的风范,经时光雕刻后所展现出的沉稳气势让人折服。It has a royal king's magnanimity and low-key style. After carving through the time, its steady momentum impresses many people.

领导大笑,众人大笑。领导海量不做追究,众人雅量不便追究。Leadership cachinnation , public cachinnation . The leadership sea quantity doesn't do to pursue, public magnanimity inconvenience pursue.

网络游戏是在运营商的服务器上运行的,服务器上保存着海量数据,包括所有用户的资料。Network game runs on the server of operation business, data of magnanimity of the in store on the server, include the material of all users.

此外,繁荣的商业,发达的交通和其他许多因素共同建设一个城东非凡气度。In addition, the prosperous commercial, well-developed transport and many other factors common to build a Chengdong extraordinary magnanimity.

爱人之德、御人之术、容人之量三者形成了一个相互补助的整体架构。The morality of loving others, the proper way of managing others and the magnanimity of treating others form a whole mutually supplemented frame.

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收缩的外需市场,并没有因为政府的海量注资而显露出在短期内恢复的迹象。Contractive outside need the market, did not note because of governmental magnanimity endowment and show piece in short-term inside restored evidence.

我们在促进恢复两岸对话与谈判的问题上,有最大的诚意,也有最大的包容性。On the issue of promoting and resuming cross-Straits dialogues and negotiations, WE have the greatest sincerity, and the greatest magnanimity as WEll.

文化人超越所有的劳苦去寻找文化的灵魂和神秘,文化的精灵则宽容大度地回赠着文化人。Culture transcends all the laboring to find the soul of culture and mysticism, Culture is the spirit of tolerance and magnanimity to rebate to the intellectuals.