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其实不完全是。Not, quite.

天哪,我怎么完全给弄糊涂了!I quite forgot!

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我已全预备好了。I'm quite ready.

我很饱了。I am quite enough.

我很渴。I'm quite thirsty.

我很渴。I am quite thirsty.

不完全是常数。Not quite constant.

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或者,也许不左也不右?Or maybe not quite?

一便士的就蛮够啦。Penny quite enough.

恰恰相反。Quite the contrary.

桑迪相当高。Sandy's quite tall.

她非常凶狠。She's quite fierce.

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感觉干干的呀。I feel it quite dry.

ush相当受欢迎,Rush's quite popular

很相近,但也不尽相同。Close, but not quite.

还不够完美。Not quite good enough.

她看起来脸色苍白。She looked quite pale.

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他有点儿老糊涂了。He has gone quite gaga.

其实我挺喜欢搞卫生的。I quite like it really.

这是相当令人着迷的。It's quite fascinating.