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他是这儿的新头儿。He's the new honcho here.

克劳德是电影公司的老板。Claude is the studio's head honcho.

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他是我们公司的顶头上司。He is the head honcho of the company.

舞蹈团与其领导都发了财。Both the troupe and its honcho have thrived.

也没人会知道Honcho山会不会是阿富汗的“汉堡高地”。That Honcho Hill would be Afghanistan’s Hamburger Hill.

哪里都不会有两个老大的——公司国家地区等等。There is no two head honcho in anywhere---company country region etc.

另外,未来儿媳的体味如何,有没有狐臭也是考察的重点。In addition, there is a study of honcho on the taste of future daughter-in-law.

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中国在存争议的海域建学校,他们的头儿说扩张主义并不存在于中国的基因里。And their cl*n honcho has the gall to say the expansionism is not in China's DNA.

又或者崔和马特是无神论者呢?Would you risk the wrath of our cosmic head honcho and does this mean Trey and Matt are atheists?

而对中国发展持怀疑态度的经济学家约翰.马金和对冲基金老板詹姆斯.乔侬斯却不这么认为,并对自己的判断也是信心十足。No, say China skeptics like economist John Markin and hedge-fund honcho James Chanos, with equal self-assurance.

无论你处于一个团体的什么位置,你工作的最终目的是协助你的老板使公司向前发展。No matter where you are in the organization, ultimately your job is to help the top honcho move the company forward.

今年年初有关他生病的传闻引起了关于公司下任头头的有害猜测,也造成苹果的股份有所波动。Rumours of his ill health at the beginning of the year prompted damaging speculations about the company's next head honcho and caused Apple's shares to jitter.