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这个模型将不会被这个任务改写。This model will not be overridden by the task.

这些设置可能会被单篇文章所覆盖。These settings may be overridden for individual articles.

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无法显式重写析构函数或终结器。Destructors or finalizers cannot be explicitly overridden.

这意味着将覆盖自然排序或策略目标。That means the natural ordering or policy target is overridden.

成员参数指定被重写的基类成员。The member parameter specifies the base-class member that is overridden.

当在派生类中被重写时,检索主机的基址。When overridden in a derived class, retrieves the base address of the host.

在衍生类别覆写时,判断某个日期是否为闰日。When overridden in a derived class, determines whether a date is a leap day.

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在衍生类别中覆写时,写出命名空间限定名称。When overridden in a derived class, writes out the namespace-qualified name.

如果都指定则使用被覆盖的可用性贡献。If you specify both, then the overridden availability contributions are used.

在衍生类别覆写时,判断某个月份是否为闰月。When overridden in a derived class, determines whether a month is a leap month.

在派生类中重写时,将编码器设置回它的初始状态。When overridden in a derived class, sets the encoder back to its initial state.

伍丝尔利说,在有些情况下,是药剂师关闭了系统或者使它们失效。In some cases, Woosley says, pharmacists had shut down the systems or overridden them.

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有些情况下您可能需要确保基底类别方法没有被覆写。In some situations, you may need to ensure that base-class methods are not overridden.

而你的目标只是一个幻想,一个被每天都工作的习惯所蹂躏的幻想。It will simply remain a fantasy, overridden by the habit of showing up to work each day.

在衍生类别中覆写时,将位元组序列解码成一组字元。When overridden in a derived class, decodes a sequence of bytes into a set of characters.

因为该类是一个超类,所以只有三个应该被忽略的方法。With this class as a super class, there are only three methods that should be overridden.

如果您同时定义了注释和部署描述符,那么将会覆盖注释。The annotations are overridden if you define both the annotations and deployment descriptor.

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这通常是在文件夹级设置的,同时也可以针对单独的报表进行重写。This is usually set up at the folder level, but also can be overridden for individual reports.

这个工具通过允许在运行时覆盖标注数据,试图克服这些问题。This tool tries to overcome these issues by allowing annotation data to be overridden at run time.

在派生类中重写后,获取一个值,该值指示组是否是默认组。When overridden in a derived class, gets the value indicating whether this group is the default group.